Nitecore EA4 beamshots

Great beamshots :slight_smile:
Nice light too :slight_smile:

I think he said he used Sanyo Eneloops…and by the way…Welcome to BLF.

Yes, just got them. They come pre-charged. Just put them in and was good to go.

hello,yes i am new to the forum after my thee first buy ,crelant 7g5v2 that i sold to buy tn31 combo and i have a uf 2100 too ,i think i begin to have a little bit more a flashlight madness , and excuse my english because i am french canadian, thank you for the information for the aa cells.

wow this sucker got some power, dunno if i want to pull the trigger though, but very tempting, especially with regular AAs

Oui, la folie lampe de poche est puissant!

Two more pictures added with lower shutter speed. I could not figure out how to change the other settings. Not as bright in the picture, but still pretty impressive for such as small light.

Is the top photo the EA4, and the bottom, the SC600 ?

Thanks for linking the previous thread. 800+ lumens ? I think i need to
confirm this immediately and purchase it…

Yes, the SC600 has a little wider spill that is it. The EA4 kills it in throw. I think that the actually light performance of the EA4 is some where between the first and second picture I put up in person. It has snowed here today and its still a little misty out. Cutting the throw of the EA4.

I would have to agree on the lumen output. I just went outside and shinned at some trees closer to the house. It is a lot brighter than the SC600. Which is at 750 I believe. Plus a lot hotter hotspot.

Your driving me nuts flashlight man. My neutral EA4 just finally got shipped via Singapore Post.

tres pussaint avec 4x 14500…

Your funny. The wait has to be crazy. I am really liking this one. Great throw and spill. Defiantly recommend for purchase!

Non! Ne pensez même pas à ce sujet.

I just bought a PA40 and these beamshots scared me! I thought, holy cow I should have bought this light! but then I read you used a shutter speed of 15 seconds, Which will make the photo’s look WAY brighter than they actually are. I am somewhat relieved but still would love to see some beamshots of this light at a much lower shutter speed, thanks!

Just added one before. I have the PA40 also, very nice light. The EA4 is a lot brighter though, similar spill, and throws better to. It is snowing again if it lets up I will try to put one with the PA40.

Just added PA40.

Ok, just placed an offer on ebay.

Thanks for the help everyone.

Thank you for adding the SC600 and more pictures… It looks like a winner!!