Nitecore EA4 beamshots

Thank you so much! I was going to buy another pa40, now im definately buying this nitecore since it seems much brighter. I really appreciate you putting up the pa40 comparison.

SC600 has zero throw. Using it in a thrower contest is like bringing a pocket knife to a gun fight. Go get that TK41 :slight_smile:

The runtimes on it seem fairly impressive when compared to my Spark SX5.

Spark SX5——————————————————Nitecore EA4


350 lumens/ 2 hours————————————–860 lumens/ 1 hour 45 minutes

60 lumens/ 14.5 hours———————————65 lumesn/ 22 hours

I’m guessing it steps down after a while, only thing missing is a nice moonlight mode.

Only Coupon code for aimkon that I know…
Aimkon Tactical - 13% off code: aimkon4cpf

Does the coupon still work ? i see many a lot of you have purchased this light, can u post links or discount coupons here.
EA4 is sold out at Aimkon Tactical.

Thanks for the beamshots…

I really really love AA powered lights instead of the Liion powered ones, specially if they are well driven, and their electronics are efficient (let´s say JetBeam BA20, Fenix LD20, this Nitecore EA4, etc…)

Pity I can not afford the cost of this light, however, I dont need 860 lumens…

has any of your ebay offers on this light being accepted ? and for what bid ?

The EA4 is backordered but you still can order it and use the code. It accepts it the code. Price comes to $60.85.

Thanks for the beamshots. Definitely lives up to bill.

Just got an email from Going Gear they have both the CW and NW in stock. Also 12% off with this code holiday12

Thanks for the great shots! The beam from the EA4 is really sweet.

just get a best offer at 60.00 on ebay for cool white u2 ,great now i have to buy some nimh cells before it arrived, maybe xx eneloop 2500 or powerex imedion 2400.

I have a PA40 and like it a lot but this thing leaves it standing and weeping by the side of the road... amazing power... also a better form factor than the PA40

thank you for those great photos!

Same here!! I have purchased over $1000 in lights since July 2012. Unfortunately, I’m addicted now. I keep seeing something I want to try. Initially, I liked my Skyray King. Then I saw the better UV-S5. Then I saw the TM15. Now I got three of the same lights!!! But hey its impressive and the King would make a good Christmas gift.

Thanks everyone!

How does the beam compares to Defiant Super Thrower? Sorry if it sounds odd but that’s the only decent thrower I have and can compare with.