Noctigon Meteor M43 BLF Discount Buy - $50+ Discount! - MTN & Intl-Outdoor

Noctigon Meteor M43 BLF Discount Buy - MTN & Intl-Outdoor

The time has come for an awesome price on the Noctigon M43 Meteor! This is by far the lowest price yet on this awesome light, so snag one while supplies last! You can order either from Mountain Electronics or from Intl-outdoor.

For a $50.68 discount off the M43 Meteor use the following discount codes:

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While supplies last. Offer may be terminated at any time. No rainchecks.

Nice deal!
This could go fast
And it makes a new light aimed at competing with it more expensive

wow this is a good price but im poor now :frowning:

Which color is dark grey ? I suppose the “almost black” , right ?

All great…… but I recently bought two new Meteors…. They came in last Friday, which is just 5 days ago… The price difference is 100 Dollars… Hmmm….

Richard, csn you ship to Europe? 219C 80+ is such a lovely option… I need one of those…

Fantastic Deal :partying_face: ordered….

You can order that from Intl-Outdoor as well, although you can only mark the Cree leds on the site. Just mail first to ask if Hank still got the Nichia 219C 80+ for the grey or stone white version. If this is the case, he’ll tell you to just order it, marking the Cree leds on the site. Put in remark that you want the Nichia 219C 80+, and it’s done.


This light is seriously amazing, I’m sure you’ll love it :slight_smile:

I’d buy one if it had a simple low, medium, high, and turbo UI.

I actually like this simple UI as well. I use UI1, which is the most basic UI of the meteor.

can u order one for me too :stuck_out_tongue:

How long does it hold the turbo mode before it steps down?

Nice price and does that stone white look sick or what. The tan is sweet too but all sold out.

Kind of hard to say. Visually it’s difficult to see when it steps down. According to this review you have over 90% of the maximum output for about one minute.

Since it’s temperature controlled it depends on ambient temperature and cooling.

Indeed. But with turbo, you generate so much heat that I suspect that ambient temperature is not going to make too much of a difference.

Aww, no 219Bs left

Since the heat sink is of considerable size, a lower starting temperature does make a difference.

Without cooling at about 1 min 10-20 sec. Then slowly declines to about 2000 lumens and continually adjust depending on the temperature.

With cooling it stays at about 3000 lumens for a bit over an hour.