Fund is now officially closed.
See here for final tally and details!
Thanks again everyone!!
Hi all,
Lights you can bid on to raise funds. Proceeds will also go to old lumens.
This thread is the official donation thread for the project started here by James B.
I have been selected by Justin (Old Lumens) as the proxy to receive all funds on his behalf. Once the goal is reached I will be sending him the funds as one lump sum.
Q: How much money are we trying to raise?
A: $2750 dollars based on the estimate obtained by Texas Lumens to cover all the cost involved.
Q: How do I donate?
A: Contributions are to be made via PayPal. When ever possible please use the GIFT option so that no fees will be deducted from the total amount. ( address to use will be show at bottom of page)
Q: How much do I send?
A: Entirely up to you. Send what you can afford. No names will be disclosed publicly, or to Old Lumens. This will ensure that no one need feel bad because of the size of his or her donation. All participation in this project no matter how big or small is greatly appreciated.
Q: What will be purchased with the money?
A: That will be entirely up to Old Lumens. A detailed list of the items needed can be found here. However this list is ONLY A GUIDE to help us determine the amount of money needed to get all of the needed equipment. Many of the items on the list can be purchased else where possibly saving some money, and some items that will be needed are NOT on the list. So at this time I reiterate the list is a guide and all purchases will be entirely up to Justin.
In addition there will be no requirement placed on this gift that the money be spent at any particular store, or that every dollar be spent on a lathe and tooling. IE if there is money left over because frugal purchases were made remaining funds are still Justin's to keep and do with what he sees fit ( like pay his electric bill)
Q: Are you going to give details about the money sent?
A: Yes. I will give periodic updates as to where we are with the total, and once the goal is reached or exceeded I will post the final tally as well as how much was charged in fees.
Q: When will you turn over the money to Old Lumens.
A: 1. When the goal of $2750 dollars is reached. This will most likely happen within a few days. 2. If not then I will keep the thread open for up to 10 days. 3. If at anytime Old lumens says "Matt I would like you to send the money now"
Q: How do we know you sent him ALL the money?
A: I looked at paypal and found I can download a PDF statement for the month. Right now there has only been one charge on that account this month and at this moment the balance is zeroed out. So at the end I will download the PDF and forward a copy of it to a third party( to be determined) so the amount can be verified.
Q: Who decided those terms?
A: I have done my absolute best to take what I truly feel is the "group conscience" and embody it here. Its impossible to get everyone exactly what they want in a situation like this but I felt like this was the general consensus. Furthermore as acting proxy on old lumens behalf I felt it was only fair to him and to the group to outline things as best I could to avoid any confusion. I am not attempting to dictate to anyone what they should do with their money. If you disagree with ANY of these terms you are under no obligation to contribute. All payments received are non refundable if you do not agree to these terms please feel free to bow out.
A: This is my personal PayPal account, separate from my business. This is the account we will be using for the duration of this project. Those of you who have my business account info please do NOT use that one.
Thanks in advance to all the wonderful awesome people who participate!!!
Matt Smith