42 grams w battery and clip
includes awesome USB 16340
Clip works on a hat
Beam is tight with large hotspot
Extra Green Tint around the corona
click on, hold to change modes, click off,
tail magnet is not strong but works, even sideways
no keyring attachment on tailcap
High CRI
Difficult to Open to Modify
Moonlight can be memorized
Strobe is a triple click from any mode including off
modes: spec 0.5-12-50-250-450. my meter 0.3-11-39-181-460/360@1 min, 270@2 min
47 grams w battery and clip
includes awesome USB 16340
Clip works on a hat but interferes with tailstanding and magnet use
Beam is wide, with no hotspot
Extra Yellow Tint around the corona
click on, click to change modes, hold off
tail magnet is annoying, it grabs things I dont want it to
Yes keyring attachment on tailcap
Easy Open to Modify
Moonlight cannot be memorized, if it is the last used mode, the next time the light is clicked on, it turns on in Low. I dont care for the UI at all.
Strobe is a tripple clic, but only IF you are in moonlight, otherwise, no strobe access… very impractical imo.
modes: spec 0.5-7-100-600. my meter 0.2-4-66-445/234@1 min, 231@ 2 min
Worm with N219b for reference
Utorch has much wider beam than Olight. Note difference in color temperatures. The worm is spec 4000k. the Utorch 5000k and the Olight 5500k
lowest modes, on my meter, worm 2 lumens, Utorch 0.2 lumens, Olight 0.4 lumens
under UV the Utorch glows yellow
Tint and Red Rendering, Utorch makes red coral look brown, and makes my hand more pale than daylight does.
the S1 Mini also makes my hand more pale than daylight does (photo exposure from a different day and time)
PWM test. The lights use Constant Current, there is Photographable Flicker or Ripple on the lowest modes, but waving does not show dots. Olight Ripple is about 2kHz, the Utorch is not known, but looks similar.
the light on the left is 3000k, the Utorch in the middle is spec to be 5000k, worm on right is spec to be 4000k. Imo the Utorch is warmer than the Worm.