Seems to be a real XP-L Hi. I don’t have another one to compare though.
The beam is cool white. No sign of greenish. The same size hotspot with the M3XS-UT,compared at 5 meters,but less bright.
Excellent! - Really looking forward to your review of a Real Cree XP-L HI.
Thank you,
This is the first real xpl hi i have seen in an Olight, thanks for the close ups.
Seems to look similar to the emitter of another torch that has the XP-L HI: Review: KD C8 XP-L Hi
Maybe Olight is finally going to do this legit after all!
Thanks Chuck!
Beamshots at 5 meters
Nice photos
Nice! Me want!
Very good pictures and beamshots
Thanks you!
Is the reflector diameter of the SR52-UT same as the M3XS-UT’s?
beamshot please.
and of course full review.
53mm for SR52UT
55 for M3XS UT
The depth looks similar,if not the same.
1400 lumens initial for M3XS
1100 lumens initial for SR52 UT
Edited for correction.
Yeah I agree with you man, 950 lumens is ‘low’ for a light like this lol. If the LED can put out 1400 lumens I believe it can produce over 200kcd too, considering the M3XS-UT can achieve 250kcd with a slightly bigger reflector.
I am moving too many batteries from one flashlight to another,with this multi-battery flashlights and here comes a mistake…
I had no three button top batteries for test,so I put two flat top and one button. Yes,I know there is a reverse polarity protecting plastic,but I heard a sound like it is contacting the pole and… I was powering the SR52 with just one battery.
I have new lumen measurements.
1100 lumens initial.
~1080 Lm after 30sec
Edited again:
Another measurement-
Using three freshly charged Keeppower 3100-
1170 Lm initial
1130 Lm at 30sec
Peak beam intensity-I measure about 200kcd (calculated from 3 meters)
For comparison,my M2X does 180kcd.
Even the batteries are in parallel,the highest output depends on the voltage the batteries can keep under load.
I expect best results using high drain IMR/INR batteries.
Nice beam shot without greenish color!
I want to buy it.
When it will be released on market?
Love the tint of XPL-HI. Thanks for the nice pictures!
Quick question: Does this offer the wall plug for USA 110 volt outlet? It looks from the pics all around the interwebs to have only the EU version plug.
The SR52 UT comes only with a car charger and microUSB cable.
Looks good too, have highlighted figure
Love the tint of XPL-HI. Thanks for the nice pictures!
+ 1
It makes this light much more interesting that the other ones with dedomed XML’s, in my view.
I love the tint of the XP-L HI V3. Nice white, no greens of violets.
And - AND it can be driven to 6,5A no problems.
That’s why I have one in my Fenix TK61 (around 570Kcd and still looking for optimal focus) and that’s why I am planning for one in my Olight SR91 Head (with TN31 body).
The Tint of the SR52UT in real life is very nice compared to all the lime green beams that seem to be common in this class.
AMAZING throw!!
I think I could direct a 777 to land on our block with this light! :-)