Trampoline ? Really ?
Speed walking ?
What do you think is the silliest Olympic sport ?
Trampoline ? Really ?
Speed walking ?
What do you think is the silliest Olympic sport ?
I’m sorry….silliest? I though you said AWESOMEST!
I wonder when are they going to add pole dancing as an olympic sport, I think they are afraid that the rest of the sports will loose audience completely
They already have pole vaulting... so it's the next logical step. ;-)
speed walking (50km in 3:34:14 = 3.89m/s = 14.00km/h) is silly enough. hard to beat.
The rhythmic gymnastics, with the rubber ball and streamer-on-a-stick is another one I find hard to watch without laughing.
When are they going to add Rock-Paper-Scissors?
And what about Toe Wrestling?
I heard a rumor golf is being considered *cough* not a sport *cough *
I have watched documentary (great, BTW) about Eskimo olympic, with their sports. SOme weird sports there, but its OK.
This toe wrestling, I also watched report or something, is infact discipline with many injuries, not very harmless.
As for London Olympics for me it was funny how Americans accused China Ye for doping
In winter olympics I like to watch karling (curling/caling?) even though someone can consider it funny.
What, you don't consider a heavy tea pot, brooms and ice a sport?
I think there was one swimmer who almost drowned at last Olympics, and on this time we had Theko from some country in Africa, in qualifications, she was little oversized in comparison to other participants.
If you add enough vodka, it is…
yeah, innit funny how nbc broadcasters keep repeating this? you look up “anabolics” in the dictionary and you’ll see Guv’nor Arnold and his square jaw. But now? All the US fem medalists have jaws bigger than arnold, and yet the accusations fly the other way !?
No, you do not want to see MAC trucks swinging from a pole. nowdays, it’s more like a circus than anything else, makes you wonder who their target audience is.
To be fair, China has a bit of history of doping in Olympic swimming and one of their badminton teams has already been ejected for throwing matches (well, essentially just not trying hard enough, haha). They fell from dominance when they were busted for doping and now this girl just smashed her previous best by 5 seconds. C’mon, there’s reasonable suspicion But she hasn’t tested positive so congrats. In this case it’s probably legit 8)
However, considering the atrocious practices used by China to train their athletes (basically kidnapping), I have no desire to defend their performances. I just pity the participants.
I think it’s SILLY we end up with these discussions and are forced to test participants. Why do GAMES like these have to be that competitive. That right there is the silliness of the Olympics.
Exactly. Given the history, I wouldn’t take anyone at face value - regardless of country of origin.
Here is an article about dope testing at these Olympics. catch the cheaters
Here are the high points of the story:
The £20m laboratory set up for the 2012 games in GlaxoSmithKline’s research centre about 30 miles north of London will be analysing 1,200 blood and 3,800 urine samples during the Olympics. One thousand staff, including 150 scientists, are working round the clock to test about half the competitors, chosen at random, for 240 banned substances. In addition, all medal winners are tested.
But, with a typical lag of three to six days between a sample being taken and naming and shaming,it is not unlikely that cheats will be revealed in greater numbers next week and beyond. In Beijing 2008, a total of 14 athletes failed drugs tests.
“Even if athletes believe they are taking a banned substance that cannot be detected, they should remember that their samples are frozen and stored for eight years,” says Prof Moffat. “They can be caught through retrospective analysis, if a test becomes available, and any Olympic titles removed.”
And yes, I vote for the trampoline competition as the silliest. Or the blade runner.
I think all the events should be cancelled and replaced with ones like these.
Hog Calling
Hot Dog Eating
Wet T-Shirt (women only & doping allowed of course)
Beer Drinking
Mud Wrestling
Egg Toss
3 legged racing
Did I say Mud Wrestling? (women only, of course)
There are so many competitions that should be in the Olympics.
Trampoline I can handle because at least they’re flipping around and stuff. It’s the ribbon twirl dancing thing that I just can’t take seriously. I’m sorry, but what a dumb event.
Ironically, it’s these “silly” events that are probably the most fitting for today’s Olympics because all of the other major events already have popular international competitions and championships annually. The Olympics just doesn’t have the significance it once had. It’s basically just another annual championship for much of the major events like swimming and track and field.
As I’m typing this they just announced that one of the men’s beach volleyball players has earned over $1 million in his career and he’s not that old. BEACH VOLLEYBALL! Wow…… silly.
Yeah but, uh, uhm… Chinese are not Americans… nor British