Olympic silliness ?

UF, i must stand up now, … some anthem is playing on the Olympics :smiley:

I’m waiting for them to add truck pulls.

What was that goofy sport that was on yesterday that looked like a combination of basketball and soccer?

Rhythmic dancing is just plain stupid.

How about swimming for distance under water in one breath? I think that would be great. Anything from the X games should be included. That stuff takes some serious athletic ability. Far more than most other “regular” sports.

Handball ?

The thing that I can’t watch is the men’s gymnastics floor exercise…they are phenomenal athletes…but really, do they have to complete an incredibly complex run across the floor with the flips and all, and then stand up, wave their arms back and forth and jut their arses out like the little pixie girls that do this? If I was gay, I’d be embarrassed for them :heart_eyes:

Did the Americans file a protest accusing this Chinese athlete of doping? If they did I missed it. My best friend is Peruvian and he thought she must be on some kind of dope. I thought it was funny how all Peruvians accused her of doping. Bad Peruvians.

I thought they might have darts!

ESPN asked why isn’t NASCAR an olympic sport !


The swimming under water made me laugh. Its not really a good idea. My sons swim club a couple of years ago had that very competition, at the age of about 13 he did 50 meters underwater, jumped up at the end hands raised in triumph and proceded to sink to the bottom unconscious. I should not laugh but there was plenty of people there that were life guards.

It's all about ratings and the money now, obviously more and more sports will join every time. There was a time that they also added baseball and bowling... how ridiculous...

Here are the original events in the old times...

They’ll probably bring back cricket and then the USA is really screwed

They’ll probably bring back cricket and then the USA is really screwed

No wonder so many bowling alleys were named “Olympic Bowl” :smiley:

Something that just screams “Olympic Gold”!


Let’s see them dope for that one.

I understand that most countries dislike, or hate, the USA and especially in competitions like the Olympics. I’ve come to terms with that years ago. I think many of the millions of immigrants here from all around the world are coming to terms with it as well. With that in mind, what I think is really neat about the USA (and others) participation in the Olympics is that it’s a private operation, unlike the Chinese (and others) government funded and trained team. Even the NOC (National Olympic Committee) is funded entirely by private contributions and corporate sponsorship. I like the concept of personal drive versus government agenda. This shouldn’t be a representation of how much money our governments are willing to spend or how much they’re willing to exploit the people.

The commentators were talking about the American weightlifter barely scraping by, even sleeping at the gym for a while. She was entirely on her own and her drive is pretty impressive. Of course, it left me wondering if she can hold down a normal, full time job. That should be enough to give her an adequate living. That’s a priority over winning competitions. Regardless, it makes a strong point that these games should be a collective pool of the independent spirit rather than government officials flexing muscle. Well, that’s what I get out of it anyway. THAT is what inspires ME. However, I’m not all that competitive :stuck_out_tongue:

Knowing what is done in Basket in USA ( and all NBA foreign players), It is not fair to tell China about doping that much.

Back to the topic, I find Kurling the silliest sport.

For me all professional sport is pretty f*d up thing.
I think its perverted, its not a game. It is attractive in some way (I think in a way it was attractive to Old Romans tomwatch gladiators), but its also repulsive in some way, to me.
COmpetition is overly stressed, like in all modern world, and competition is opposite to cooperation and thats a fact. I know athlets cooperate between different countries, but thats not the thing Im talking about. Winning is too much empasized. To me all that seems, sometimes little, and sometimes pretty perverted.
Its not all black of course, in my oppinion about professioinal sport. Many people build themselves through sport, but also I have seen some results of some investigations that there’s more drug abuse, in some European countries, among young people involved in sports (who are training in some sport, to be professionals etc).
Again, too much emphasis on competition and very little emphasis on cooperation. And to much emphasis on the result. And we are all reaping different consequences and repercussions of such attitude, in world in geneal (on all areas).

@Weiser - yes that inspires me too. In many countries there are cases like that, but you have also need to nderstand that US is more capitalistic than most of other countries, so thats little different context wich reflects itself in several ways.

What also makes me sad is how many billions is spend tfor the spectacle, adn we still have many mellions starving and starving to death, in the world. And when I remember that when I see athlets from some countries in wich such situation exist.
Also, historically, modern Olympics dont have a lot connection with old Olympics, wich were more, some kind of spiritual event, celebration of gods through sport.

There is a video of one Chinese crying like mad before TV cameras because he disgraced his country with silver medal :smiley:

Let alone boxing in America, different fighting sports and American football :smiley:

I thought I missed gorran a little bit but now I realize I don’t.