open message to anyone new and unfamiliar to blf

Recently, there have been quite a few calls for extra moderation and keeping topics “on subject”.

I strongly suggest you have a look at an post over three pages long that is not a give away full of “i’m in”.

A subject on goes above one page if 50 posts are made, that means a subject is generally interesting to a few people, a few people will chat, topics will change mid conversation, much like in real life. So seriously, CHILL OUT!!! This method has worked for quite a while, there are quite a few members that have been members since inception, and others like myself that have found our new home.

We don’t need extra moderation, we’re not children, we’re adults.

Seriously, your the result of billions of years of evolutionary development, so damm well act like it!

Thankyou. :bigsmile:

Well said!!! +1

I agree.

At least not yet.

Seriously, we aren't adults. If we were, why would we sit on a computer and read crap from the internet, or play with flashlights/toys?

We haven't developed so well. We are actually just as bad now as we ever were. Technology improved, but we have not.

and yes, I feel this place definitely needs moderation and it is getting worse than is was, but that's just because it's exponential. The larger the member base, the worse it's bound to get. I am really torn between staying here and going to CPF, where I can just do mods and not have to worry about the issues, because they aren't allowed.

Yes, if I go to a forum on purpose, it means I want to read the threads, so why would I want to "avoid" a thread, or many threads, when the forum is where I specifically came to. Saying, if you don't like, don't read it, is just about as foolish as the thread in discussion..

What drew me here is some of the membership, who are very kind to others, but what I hate is the loud mouths here, who still sound like young bullies, when they are well past their prime and unfortunately for me, I am just as bad. I anger quickly, really hate where I am in life and in general I just hate quietly, so I am the kind to open my mouth and either piss off a someone or go back and just take down my posts. This place is a love/hate relationship and yes, for me, it is a relationship. I do not relate in reality any more, only here. I work alone, in a guard shack and don't talk to people. I don't go out and socialize, since I stay home and take care of my wife, so this place is home and I am just sick and tired of you people who want to call someone out, or call them names and then whine when they call you names too. Pansies is what I call it.

Why can't we be nice? Mankind kills each other, every hour, of every day, of every year, of our entire existence... So, why in the hell would we play nice here? Self regulation? Nice thought for some, but not reality. Never worked in all these eons, why would anyone ever be foolish enough to believe it is going to work now?


Just responded to a post where one of us BLF’ers was complaining ’bout - in the pic’s they supplied - some HIGHLY magnified fingerprints in the outer realms of the lens in a tn30 Finger prints mark on Thrunite TN30.. anyone else having this issues? and I know I’ll get flamed

Yeah… things are getting way outta’ hand: threads go WAY off topic (just look at e.g. How did we do? ( “How did we do? (”, and I’ve been criticized for pointing out shills.

“Budget lights” are not “budget” if you have to play ’round with them and intervene for hours just to get them to work after the first few minutes unless you value your labor getting paid from your boss in Cambodia

I’m all for taking these things apart and putting in copper heatsinks and doing whatever but, IT’s NOT budget any longer…

Moderation is needed to:

1) Keep threads “sorta” on topic;

2) Remove the “non-entertaining schills” after the first dozen or so posts.

Coupla’ days tardy, but happy new year!

… go in peace.

Well said Gordsy!

Almost agree …. except for the ‘Adults’ bit ……

I consider myself ‘18 til i die’ :stuck_out_tongue: - though some would say that applies to my IQ rather than age :zipper_mouth_face:

We don’t need more regulation/moderation. What we need to do is remember that this doesn’t really matter. We are all here to learn and have fun. Some of us want more learning and less fun. Some want it the other way around. We can debate all day long about where the line between flood and throw is and never agree, but so flipping what. I mean, does it really matter in the end? Why are some of you guys taking it so personally and so serious? This is entertainment at best. Nothing more.

The only place you can choose your friends is in real life. Here on the net you get a cross section whether or not you want it. If that’s too much for you, well, I don’t know what to say.

As far as threads going off topic… seriously? Questions are answered in the first few responses. Once you get into double digits, all the bases have been covered. We’ve looked at it from every angle. The conversation finding its own natural flow after that really upsets some people and I’ve never understood why. If O=L and I were on a road trip and started talking flashlights, assuming he didn’t strangle me to death, would we be talking flashlights twenty minutes later? The answer is, “Of course not”. So why do any of you think the conversations about flashlights on a forum won’t evolve, in the due course of time, into conversations about whatever?

This is a Forum, not an Encyclopedia. There is a difference. Accept that reality and you’ll be a lot happier.

well, im a culprit on causing off topic chatter… and the occasional unwarranted CPF and SureFire hater
i also think some of the chatter in a certain thread was unwarranted. we had a fairly new member excited to show off his finds, and instead of saying well its just not practical, but heres some links to why its doing that and what to do to make it better. people just try to stomp the excitement and joy out of him. didnt read the whole thread, so i dont have the whole story. but at least he kept on with his project

ps: i have nothing against SureFire, if my post insulted you for liking SureFire, sorry.
pps: im not actually going to go to CPF and retaliate.
first - i dont really think they are going to send people over here to troll. im sure there are people trolling here from there, but im sure the people in charge over there didnt cause or approve it.
second - if i go there to troll, it will be time wasted i could have spent here :bigsmile:

+1 Bold and underline added by me.

Yes, very well said. It seems like some posters who are very opinionated are also very easily offended. It is very unfortunate that an argument over semantics will often degenerate to name calling. I hope that a majority of us can remain above those petty arguments.

I came here from CPF where I did not seem to get a very warm welcome, most likely because I only own two very old Sure Fires and one Malkoff. Evidently not enough to fit in there.

Even though I lurk around more than post, I find BLF to normally be a very friendly place. I hope that we can keep it that way.


The trouble is were do you draw the line?

I joined CPF first and it was ok, lots of good info. But it does feel a little stagnant over there and it’s no wonder when moderation isn’t limited to keeping on topic but actually bullying members into only allowing to post or read what the mods/owners want you to read or see.

No moderation isn’t the answer either as you’ll always get people flinging insults or other anti-social behaviour on any internet forum. This will never change. Personally I really like BLF, it’s friendly and still has all the great info you’ll find on CPF, but without the fear of being banned or having your post deleted just because a mod has a chip on their shoulder.

On a personal note, I’ve not actually seen or read anything on BLF that I’d actually consider bad or in any real need of moderating. Maybe I’ve just missed such threads, but compared to many forums I’m a member of this is a friendly easy going forum.

When we’re not feeling like acting like an evolved adult, that is precise the time we should practice self-discipline. Moderation discourages evolution - but consequences (e.g., the group nicely beating on offenders) encourages either self-disciple or going away. I don’t particularly care which any of us choose. Well, maybe except cone because he’s funny and shares recipes as an apology, if not the cake. :slight_smile:

I’ve trusted the mob here - and am inclined to continue doing so. I certainly prefer that to CPF’s moderation.

I agree, this is entirely the premise behind my post, I live in England, over moderation is a fact of life, its very refreshing to be somewhere where I’m trusted to act civilised, I respond by………acting civilised.

It’s really not hard, just common sense - if you wouldn’t like what your saying to someone being said to you, don’t say it. And more to the point, don’t cry about it if you say something and someone returns in kind, what the hell did you expect?

Hoping much of this will blow over in time - too much value on BLF. I simply can't believe time&effort many members put into this! Rules like CPF have are far too complicated - when I signed up, I couldn't figure out what a good or bad post was, and the post deletions were driving me nuts when I couldn't figure out why!

I'm looking for info, but also I try to give back when I see a noob asking questions, or others looking for info that I could help with. Guys like scaru, Old-Lumens, Match (many others)... contribute sooo much here... If changes have to be made, do it ever so little... We can't lose guys like Old-Lumens!! We just need to listen to him a little better.

This is a Forum, not an Encyclopedia That statement describes it all — We do not desire Confines for intellectual morons — actually, oxymorons. The character Spock, in Star Trek epitomizes the struggle, that we have as humans to be both fully intellectual and human at the same time. If one goes back in history to the great moments of discovery, one will find that the grand ideas came out of fratrinization. The Bell Lab scientists, who were just ordinary engineers working for Bell Labs, were just trying to get rid of the background “noise” out of telecomunications, when they discovered the evidence of the “Big Bang” in the form of microwaves distributed over the entire universe; and later won the Nobel Prize. It is the “Meeting of the Minds, that produces a new ”Brain Child.” We must be willing to allow others to impregnate our intellect, so that we can produce the “new idea.” I prefer this as a “think tank” rather than “summer school.” Now, if someone is so disruptive, that they threaten the free exchange of information, then they should be banned. Fun should be allowed, but not destructive bullying. Just my thoughts…

Very well put, bravo. :beer:

It should also be noted, beer is very helpful in the free exchange of idea’s, it loosens the tongue (or fingers these days…) You just have to stay on top of the beer…

I like turtles

that vid is priceless. his parents must be so proud of their lil zombie