There seems to be a big problem with my Opple 4. Measurements of Duv are significantly more negative in some of the higher CCT, high power lights I’m testing. I’m checking my other lights to confirm but anyone please check your Opple 4 to see if I just got a lemon. So I could stop doing this tedious work.
Initial testing with 219b seems good, but when I measured my Mateminco and Nightwatch I started seeing some very negative Duv that’s not consistent with beamshot, or previous measurements by me or other reviewers, etc. Examples:
Mateminco PD90S, my two Opple 3’s show a Duv range of around positive 0.0017 to 0.0030; Dave reviewer on 1 lumen has positive 0.0040, but my Opple 4 reads negative 0.0036. I’ve never seen anything remotely negative in my collection of Chinese LED’s, let alone such a big negative number.
I decided to measure a well known light with a commonly used LED, my Wurkkos TS30S w/ SBT90.2 and here so many numbers seem off. SBT90.2 is known to have a green tint and typical Duv I’ve seen is positive 0.0040 and up. Here it is minus 0.0035, very obviously wrong by a wide margin. Besides the Duv, the Ra seems off from what I’ve seen and measured (around 67), R9 of 100 in this LED known to have a green tint and low Ra - is that possible? For CCT, this LED in general has CCT around 5100-5500k AFAIK, and with my blue reflection AR it goes up to ~5700. I personally have never seen 6000k.