Opple Light Master 4 discussion thread (new 2023 model)

No success. At least Win10 doesn’t establish a serial connection to the LM3.

LM3 does not need wire cutting, just use old micro USB wire, and the protocol is USB, I do not know if there is sscom.exe like application for USB protocol. LM3 firmware will not update in the future, LM3 use different spectral chip as LM4.

Yes, need to figure out why the LM3 is not recognized as COM device.

I don’t have the LM4, but want to extract sensor data to test interpolating a spectral distribution.

The app will upgraded in the future or not?

no update to LM3

Thank you for reply

I didn’t see an update on July 30 for the app. I have an iPhone. Did I miss it?

I don’t see an update on Android as well.

There was no update as steve said there would be. The last update was on 10 July. I wonder why steve hasn’t been active after the "supposed’ update? If the update got pushed to a later date, why not inform us?

I think he is doing this on his own time… not officially for the company. I think he came here to try to be helpful. So I wouldn’t be too hard on him.

But I would like to hear from him about what is going on as well.

4 Thanks

fyi the invite link is https://discord.gg/6suedcuFVu (you posted it in the main flashlight discord)

Monday I will inquiry my colleague about this. app team has their schedule, we are in different city, recently i am busy with other stuff, so sorry for the late reply.

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Stevechange, that’s just unacceptable, I am furious. You make it sound like the mobile phone isn’t invented where you are. You keep saying the app team has a schedule, obviously they aren’t keeping to that schedule. Here’s an idea, how about calling them or emailing them to see what the hold up is?

Thanks for replying on a Sunday!

30 July update: CIE chart bug fix, CRI/Ra/CS/EML calculation fix?
30 August update: App to support firmware updates?

Future update: Determine calibration coefficients for more light sources with different CRI and CCT and provide firmware updates for the LM4 to improve duv accuracy? E.g. 60 CRI 6500K -0.05 duv, 60 CRI 4000K -0.02 duv, 90 CRI 4000K +0.01 duv, 90 CRI 2700K +0.01 duv

I understand that the Android app for the LM4 is no longer a standalone app like the one for the LM3 and that there are many other priorities for Opple’s suite of smart lighting products. I would imagine the LM4 would be ranked relatively low on the list of priorities compared to smart hubs or smart lights where making improvements for those products would deliver more value for more customers.

I appreciate you taking the time to chat here.

2 Thanks

Rushing things isn’t helpful. Since the knowledge had/has to be reestablished, it will take time to make the LM4 a good product I presume.

It was unfortunate that the Lightmaster was released so early in China when Opple Europe held it back, obviously for good reasons.

Thanks to Steve for keeping us informed.

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The fact that it will take time to make the LM4 a good product… is a problem. As steve said himself, he can’t put all the bug fixes into one update, so it will take a number of updates to iron out all the issues. This thread has definitely hurt sales of the LM4 and will continue to do so. This might be a bit drastic, but Opple need to kill the LM4 and start fresh. I’ve lost confidence in the product and company, Im sure many others feel the same.

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I feel sorry.
they told me 30 July update/ 30 August update, app team is in shanghai, we are located in suzhou(a city nearby shanghai city). I gave them for example algorithm/calibration coefficients, they incorporate into the app. I didn’t check google play or iOS app store, I did give them the update already. July 30 update elevate precision for home lights. what’s the version number in google play? 3.2.1???

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yes, I am on my own time, not officially for the company. actually the priority for us now is to add support of light master for our own spectra(newly invented good spectrum). I try to bridge the gap between our users and the company, obviously I did it badly. sorry for our users.

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they gave me the standalone app, and I installed it, the app style looks quite different from previous versions(with opple logo watermark). what’s your version looks like? btw, google play here is not accessible, so i didn’t check it personally till now.

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sorry, i feel sorry for our users. i can’t elaborate

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