Opple Light Master III (G3) discussion thread (Cheap device for measuring Lux, CCT + CRI)

I modified the latest version of Light Master Pro app for Android (v1.0.5)

Version v1. What’s implemented:
− Removed all unnecessary permissions
− Doesn’t ask to choose a region at first run
− Removed some analytics and push services
− Removed Chinese characters from Flicker - Raw Data
− Optimized all images, reduced APK size

This mod can be installed together with the official app. There’s no need to delete the original first.

Download: 16.34 MB file on MEGA

As other people mentioned, unfortunately you can’t get rid of the GPS permission if you need to scan for available Bluetooth devices. See the official documentation here: Bluetooth permissions  |  Connectivity  |  Android Developers

BTW, if you’re wondering what’s the difference between Europe and IBU regions, the latter just doesn’t add a Products button to the bottom of the screen, which displays a list of Opple products on click (an ad, basically). Also it affects what text is shown under Settings - About page. That’s why I preselect IBU in this mod since it’s a better default option IMO. I still don’t know what the abbreviation stands for, but it says “international” in the code, so maybe it’s International Business Unit or International Borders Unit :man_shrugging: Not Europe, in short.

Can anyone please check if the previous version (1.0.4) of the app displays the same measurements as the latest one (1.0.5)? You can download it here: 27.86 MB file on MEGA and install next to the mod. But you’ll have to remove the official 1.0.5 app first.

I also created a Telegram chat to further discuss reverse engineering of Opple Light Master 3 and 4. You can talk in both English or Russian there.

3 Thanks