I modified the latest version of Light Master Pro app for Android (v1.0.5)
Version v1. What’s implemented:
− Removed all unnecessary permissions
− Doesn’t ask to choose a region at first run
− Removed some analytics and push services
− Removed Chinese characters from Flicker - Raw Data
− Optimized all images, reduced APK size
This mod can be installed together with the official app. There’s no need to delete the original first.
Download: 16.34 MB file on MEGA
As other people mentioned, unfortunately you can’t get rid of the GPS permission if you need to scan for available Bluetooth devices. See the official documentation here: Bluetooth permissions | Connectivity | Android Developers
BTW, if you’re wondering what’s the difference between Europe and IBU regions, the latter just doesn’t add a Products button to the bottom of the screen, which displays a list of Opple products on click (an ad, basically). Also it affects what text is shown under Settings - About page. That’s why I preselect IBU in this mod since it’s a better default option IMO. I still don’t know what the abbreviation stands for, but it says “international” in the code, so maybe it’s International Business Unit or International Borders Unit Not Europe, in short.
Can anyone please check if the previous version (1.0.4) of the app displays the same measurements as the latest one (1.0.5)? You can download it here: 27.86 MB file on MEGA and install next to the mod. But you’ll have to remove the official 1.0.5 app first.
I also created a Telegram chat to further discuss reverse engineering of Opple Light Master 3 and 4. You can talk in both English or Russian there.