I was browsing in the underworlds of flashlight stores and found some bizarre multi AA flashlights, such as the SAiK SA-305 (cheaper at LED-shoppe with coupon 10% "YABEPG" ) and the Hao Ling HL-6660 3W 80-Lumen LED Flashlight (3*AA). The SAiK claims to have an alu reflector and the "Ling" plastic... both have plastic lenses. Are there other 3xAA in parallel configuration? (found the UltraFire MCU-C88, but a bit expensive) Does anybody own one of these? Or has experience with that battery carrier (3AA=1D)? Are there any 2AA or 4AA in parallel configuration? I already have many AA bases covered - 1,2,4 and 8 AA's (sig) and I want to fill the gaps. ;-)
The Ultrafire c88 has good quality but...$36 (images)
About the Hao Ling HL-6660 3W 80-Lumen LED Flashlight (3*AA)
Three units have been requested by FL users for mod and use with aspheric lens.(none have arrived yet)
Edit: About the battery carrier.
Those aren't parallel but series like all the 3*AAA lights.
I have the KD adapter. They tend to ship different kinds. The latest ones I got were fairly nice with large neg plate so maglite springs don't need mod to fit.
You can also get 2*AA to D parallel adapters on ebay. They're actual D cell replacements.
xrayboy, please keep us posted on the aspheric experience. I just use a 50mm dx lens on the top of a smallsun c37 as someone found has perfect focal distance on dx forums.
agenthex: they are parallel... you are thinking too electrical... ;-)
If you want the ultimate cheap "parallel" flashlight, there are those typically plastic 6v "lattern" battery lights. You can get a cheapo 4D to lattern adapter and either do 8*AA at 6V or 12*AA at 18V. The AX2002 regulator goes up to 18v.
Curiously, I got a 4*AA "waterproof" light at a chinese tool place (harborfreight) for $3. It has 6 reflectored led's inside like a 6*BLF delight. The carrier doesn't quite fit into the D maglites. I was going to do a parody review, but never got around to it.
Well.. and 12 car batteries and a "Flakscheinwerfer"....
Hmm... maybe with a flashlight caddy...
I wanted to know about the carriers, because they seem to be the weak point in this "parallel" or "side-by-side design", but if I can get cheap spare ones ... breaking one wouldn't be so bad. I don't intend to buy D-Mags. But the short and "fat" design might be a nice contrast to my other lights.
The lantern adapter is like this http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/5275-holder-battery-4-d-lantern-repl-ba4d-s.html
The 3*AA are just the kd ones above http://www.kaidomain.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=2723. They work.
The 2*aa I recommend these http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180510103624&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT
The lights are these type
Of course they're not led lights, so you'll have to think of some way of mounting maybe a p60 or something.
Looks easy to mod
cheapo 4d "focusing"
And here's some radical modding of a Dorcy lantern
I pulled the trigger on the SAiK SA-305 Cree Q2 3-Mode 140-Lumen LED Flashlight Black for 13.29$ shipped (with coupon). Let's see how it is. Looks like a good host for a warm white XP-G Q5.
XRAYBoY: Why did the Spanish Armada go for the Hao Ling HL-6660 ? Because of the optics? (looks like a 1D Mag) Or does that asph. lens fit better? I think the plastic reflector is a big con and also 450 mA to 700 mA, generic vs. XR-E Q2.... or did I miss something?
They hope it worth to modify with 50mm aspherical lens (without reflector),and supports 26500 (or others) IMR in body
to Direct Drive a SST-50 or SST-90.The runtime will be short by not having too much mass to dissipate but they do not care.
Lately we have so much thrower lovers and crazy builders...LOL
Modding is fun... I always liked LEGO as a child or building my custom PCs (as a child ;-) )... especially when the light is something unique in some way afterwards. Soldering isn't too hard, if you follow some simple rules. My soldering iron is worth ~7 $ and is still sufficient for most modding purposes. I wonder if this lens would fit in the SAiK I just ordered. Damn there are no specs on the focal length..
The focal length is quite short-15-20mm from a quick test just now. Want one to play with? Quite happy to send it to Germany for the cost of the postage which shouldn't be much, less than 4 euros I'd guess.
Thanks for the offer , I might get back to you on that. Let me measure some stuff first.
Personally, don't see the point of parallel AAs. I can get LSD Ds for around the same as 3 Eneloops. If you can't get decent D's I suppose there is some point.
Lens wrapped up - will take 5 minutes to post.
Remember to PM me your address if you want one. I probably have it somewhere from the draw on Jayki, but I'm not sure I can find it. It could be on one of about 10 machines.
The problem with D's is that they're not very versatile (essentially only for a few flashlights) and don't charge in stardard charger.
The decent LSD D's here are sold in two packs, and 4 for a 3d maglite are >$40, then add cost for charger (~$30). Seems overkill for 1 light's power source.
Don it will take at least 3 weeks till the light is here... you are too fast. ;-) Then I will measure the diameter and the height of the possible lens options and then measure the possible focal lengths.
Simply ... I don't have a D-cell charger and want to use standard drivers (>=3.6 V). Also the warm XP-G Q5 cost me 6€ incl. shipping from led-tech, but they only have 20mm stars. I want to have neutral/warm white/ cool types of XP-Gs, to see which I like best for further modding. The lens would be just to play around.
The advantage of standard AA's is, that I can always pass it to someone else as a gift or sell it for the price I paid. I live in a country where incandescent Mags are considered top of the line by many.
Why do you think I bought them?
Just like here then. Once produced an Orb Raw and all the patients were impressed. Very impressed. Till I told them what I'd paid for it.
One actually said that they thought Maglites were the best you could get. They were pretty surprised when I told them they didn't even come close.
None of these http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.47000 arrived or were even shipped.. I ordered one a month ago, with an XPG R5 and a 16-modes driver, and those were shipped but not the flashlight..
I modified the SmallSun c37 with the 42mm KD asph. lenses. The focal length is shorter, so i had to put a coin between the star and the drop-in :)
That blue thing is a part of a glow-in-the-dark silicon tailcap from DX