[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

GT are not a bad name at all, if you get it.

Personally i would have set the bar high from day one and called it Quasar, but maybe that’s taken or reserved for the next big thrower.

Please drop me from this list. I’m #1018

I like this design from Jerommel. Under the switch (per Texas Ace) sounds fine.

Yes it is—LOL.

+1 :+1:

+2 :+1:

plus plus plus


Kiss :



at flat area batt tube

Lumintop should as text not logo i think.

With logo looks like it will use for hunting that funny rabbit :slight_smile:


On the BLF Q8!

+6 on the logo… take my money!!! :laughing:

Please add me to the list for 1 Giggles flashlight. Thanks
The BLF Giga Thrower!!

+7 to Jerommel’s design

I asked a while back to be put on the list I was kind of expecting someone to email me with a payment request or something like that.
But I think I may have been missed because of how popular the light appears to be.
Does anyone know of a better way to get on the list ?

Go to first post and use CTRL F to find your name (#1181 BTW)

There is no payment info as of yet. Be patient, the light is just now getting into production status. It will still be a bit before its released for actual purchase.

You will get a PM when the time comes.

There’s no emails. You will get a Personal Message through BLF with all the details when it is time.

1181 Falconda :stuck_out_tongue:

Cheers David

Please add me to the list. Thank you to everyone that is making this possible!!

I like the fact that it uses the Q8 style branding!