[PART 1] Official BLF GT Group Buy thread. Group buy officially closed! Lights shipping.

If lumintop would provide some kind of add-on kit consisting of mcpcb with applied xhp70.2 LED and spare driver with proper resistor already in place…
For someone, like me, who doesn’t have the tools and experience to mod myself…

Has anyone a glue what the material costs alone of all these components world be?

You Sir, are a bad influence. Now I want a second GT.

^joke^ :wink:

Seriously though, add me to the list for a second. :person_facepalming:

It could be from 25$ to 45$ .

I’d love to be able to buy an XHP70 “package” to somewhat easily swap into my 2nd GT. Donation to be made.

I’m in agreement with your original viewpoint; but the sooner the thread moves on the better.

Thank you for posting those links on every page and answering new members’ questions :+1:

Saw the joke and LOL’d. I could see my friends posting the very same thing about me. I’d still laugh. I think we all like Neal, and I seriously doubt that anyone took away from the ‘funny’ that Neal absconded with the $$$ in order to take a GigaCruise.

All is well in BLF Land. :+1:

IMHO it was funny and not even remotely inappropriate… Almost everyone understood it right. And that is exactly what makes this forum so unique. The friendly atmosphere, humor and good mood. Not to mention awesome folks willing to sacrifice their time and money to make some of the best flashlights on the market at incredible prices!

As he said:


Let’s talk about the GT.

You're very welcome

No don’t drop it, it’s a very expensive flashlight and it weighs almost 2kg, you will definitely smash the head and lens if you do that :stuck_out_tongue:

No worries. I think I have a flashlight problem anyway.

Far better things to spend $250 on!!!

That's my last response to the JOKE


No don’t drop it, it’s a very expensive flashlight and it weighs almost 2kg, you will definitely smash the head and lens if you do that :stuck_out_tongue:

I played it safe. I bought a full harness. LOL

So with all 8 batteries can it run at full power for 4 hrs ??

Now That is some funny chit right there!
Thanks for the levity.

It’s our forum, we’ll have fun with as we see fit.
Life is wayyyy too stressful to stay between the lines these days.


Finally made payment for 2 GT throwers and 2 Samsung battery packs including 4 bucks for the Team.
Now only waiting for the final mail to confirm address and username.
A big thanks to all involved in making this great project come done and finalized.
Exited to get this amazing light!

Keep up the good work.

Wow, do a quick check in tonight and see things kind of exploded.

Well it seems we are pretty much past it now. Lets just keep moving past it.

While it may not have been in the best taste, taken in the right tone it was funny and there was no malice in it.

That said lets steer clear of that sort of humor in the future. Us old timers know that Neal running off with the money is just a joke but we have to remember that there are hundreds of new members in this GB that have no clue who Neal even is or know anything about BLF for that matter.

They would not catch the sarcasm in it at all. Best to just steer away from it entirely so as not to confuse or upset those people.

No harm done, no one did anything “wrong” on either side. Lets just put it behind us and move forward though.

New subject, thanks to a few people sending donations I have kicked up the XHP70.2 testing, I 3D printed a few more centering rings and think I have the focus about nailed down for the dome on xhp70.2.

4mm tall almost entirely gets rid of the dark spot but it is still slightly noticeable if you are looking for it. 4.5mm tall eliminates it entirely unless REALLY looking hard.

I am SUPER happy with how this is turning out. Great output, good throw and overall a great light.

I am about to go try to get some beamshots, we will see how they turn out…. I will post more details in the morning most likely. Out of time right now.

Is the dark spot visible in the real life or on the white wall beamshots only? How does such a thick centering ring influence the beam or the throw? You mentioned some minimal decrease from 1350 to 1300m, it it even noticeable with eyes?
I need answers!!! :smiling_imp:

Thank you kindly

I just got back from taking some beeamshots. I will look at them and export them in the morning and try to update the thread before work.

Spoiler, I really like the XHP70.2 mod :heart_eyes:

Texas, Could you mod it with xhp50.2 dedomed, im curious if we can reach over 4000lm and 2000m throw