You should see the B&O factory, their level are pretty much if a human touch a thing at the wrong time its ruined
Polishing things and so on before anodizing are all robot work, and when they are done you cant even touch the thing not even if you wear gloves as that will still contaminate the product.
But off course if B&O made flashlights none of us will be able to afford them. :money_mouth_face:
The most narrow tolerance i have worked with personally was 4/1000 of a mm, so give one at each end and you have 2/1000 mm in the middle to make good with, and this was on a manual grinding machine.
Another perspective of how big the GT head is.
This is my XL 4.5”–5.5” Optech neoprene lens cover with my 2 biggest lights heads in it, an S70 & S70S & the cover is only very slightly stretched
Thanks TA for additional pictures, I dont want to be a guy who complaining about everything,and I’m totally fine with it, but that reflector picture obviously looking through plastc bag look worse than first prototype,more like fine OP then SMO…
Like Jason said, it is just the bag distorting the picture, I would not worry about it, knowing lumintop so far they would never even consider allowing something that looked that bad make it into a production light.
I can also confirm that the earlier picture with the scratch on the tailcap is Neals prototype light that they were using for testing packaging and other stuff. Like my prototypes it shows the battle scares of it task.
It still looks big to me. But it has to be to get it’s job done.
One thing I’ve noticed is that the light shouldn’t be heavy. Somehow Lumintop and the design team has figured out a way to get it to defy gravity. Otherwise it couldn’t be put against a wall horizontally and stay there.
It’s got a 5 1/2” diameter head. I don’t know of any other flashlights that big. The big Acebeam X65 is only 4” with 5 XHP35-HI in it. Does any flashlight match it’s size?
Ps, that shiny switch ring sure adds some class. :sunglasses: