Pay $0 for What you Want

It Is Freebie Time!
Who want to get the items you want for free? Simply pick out your most wanted products at Tinywind and Make Purchase, we will Redeem Equivalent Cash Coupon to your TW account after the items received and reviewed by you!


  1. Your reviews should be honest and impartial;
  2. Each product should have one review, you could make reviews on your blog, forum, video channel, facebook etc;
  3. Be sure that your reviews shown on your most famous social network, as we request your review should be up to 50 likes or 150 views within 2 weeks;
  4. After the items reviewed, please email us ( the links.

Any query, please feel free to let us know.
*All Rights Reserved by Tinywind.

So in the end we’d still have to pay for the item, it’s just that we’d get a coupon to buy a second item of similar or lower price with.
P.S.: your site allows for selection by price/body color/brand. I’d advise you to include selection by emitter, tint and battery type.
PS2: and please allow to sort by price (lowest->highest).

Apparently 18650 is considered a “color” these days.

Hey…don’t look at me in that tone of voice :stuck_out_tongue:

Not the way reviews normally work around here.

> your review should be up to 50 likes or 150 views

so use the money you save to buy some fake friends to bump up your fake ratings.

Your sorting options suck. You’d have to pay us to use your site imho. Who wants to weed through hundreds of flashlights, drop-ins and ultrafire junk batteries to find something decent?

And they even use that annoying cartoon hero :smiley: that’s a big enough reason for me, to not take them seriously

So to make things clear:

1. we buy the product for the full price

2. we write a review

3. we send the link of the review to the CS

4. your CS will then decide if the review is worth the cash back.

hmmm... who jumps.. not me

Can BLF considered a social media platform? Haha. 150 views is not difficult to achieve in here.

Social Media def - Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks. (

I don't think it's a cash back .it sounds like it's an equivalent coupon to buy an equal or lesser light .

>> " we will Redeem Equivalent Cash Coupon to your TW account after "

ok.. thats even worse

And undoubtedly using it without permission.

As for the coupon, take for example, if you get $100 off coupon, you can choose to divide it into several coupons you like, $10 + $15 + $20 + …. = $100.
Our site allows for filter by battery type, just as absalom said, it is on the color section, we are sorry for the inconvenience and we will add the “sort by price (lowest->highest)”.
Thanks for your great suggestion.

so do you have better idea for us? thank you in advance.

Everything has its beauty and someone like it but other do not. You can ignore us but we value everyone of you all who give feedback and pay attention to us.

I agree with the 1. 2. 3. from us, but about 4. , it will not decided by us CS, decided by your honest, serious review contents, good relationships, professional knowledge on the items you love… I believe good contents can always get high popularity.

Of course, BLF and other forums also considered as social network.

Thank you for your opening offer.

This is why it seems one sided to me/us.

  1. you have only largely generic lights
  2. if we used your proposal you would, sell a light, get a free review, leverage this or other social media, and then maybe provide credit for us to buy more stuff.

Humm it’s just not that interesting.

Considering you are carrying largely lower quality lights, which may or may not be that interesting to read reviews of (lets be honest) a key point being the relative “interest” is linked to the uniqueness or desirability of the light(s).

How about counteroffer:

You ask us for feedback on which 5 lights we would want to review. (market info for you)
We vote/respond with specific lights. (we have looked at your selection from a site visit)
You select the top 5 lights in terms of votes. (we get to see how responsive you are)
We request to review them. ((again market data for how many are interested in which lights)
You select who the first 5 reviewers will be (aka random selection)
You send the lights. (yes out of pocket cost for you, of wholesale Chinese prices, “not that much”)
You get the reviews completed and posted. (bottom up interest)
From there you decide if you want to go through an additional iteration. (Did you receive your investments worth? Up to you to decide)

I am not trying to be rude, just honest.

You are trying to sell lights that probably we can all either live without or can find “replacements for” at a lower cost through other known suppliers.

I believe we are willing to work with you but for an offer to be interesting there needs to be “investment” and benefit on both sides.

Kids, make sure you get your likes and dislike numbers up to show that you are putting in your hours.

And remember to have it done with at least 50 likes within two weeks, now get going.