My first Sipik SK-73 zoomy is one of my first modern flashlights, and my first XM-L light. I still like it a lot and ordered a second, which I converted with a Philips Luxeon Star PC Lime LED, and a one sided 4 x 7135 driver from Fasttech with one stacked extra 7135.
The pill is hollow. That is not a solid pill or a shim, but the back of the star behind the driver.
So, I am guessing, without looking it up, that this is a solid piece of an alloy containing a lot of silver and copper. It is closer to the right diameter (16 mm.) than an old penny is.
Arctic Silver on the ledge of the pill that contacts the dime and between the star and Franklin Roosevelt, who has lost some face to a file.
Regular white heat sink compound where the pill slides in the head and screws into the body. The 0-ring that stiffens the slide is on the body, rather than on the pill. There is also an o-ring sealing the hollow pill against the body (?).
I am confused by “PC Lime”, I think it’s actually just regular Lime, right? The “PC” one in the Luxeon Rebel ES list is “PC Amber” (vs normal Amber). I learned! PC means Phosphor Converted. The datasheet doesn’t call it “PC”, but of course the Luxeon Rebel ES Lime emitter is phosphor converted. I’ve wondered several times why the datasheet for Rebel ES shows both Amber and PC Amber (eg I’ve wondered what the difference was). Now I know (one is phosphor converted and the other is not).
What 4 colors are we seeing? Lime, Amber or PC Amber, … 620-630nm Red?, and a white of some kind?
I don’t have a Luxeon amber emitter spectrum, but it’s basically a single wavelength (rather, a small range around 660 nm).
This is a 5mm amber LED spectrum:
That’s with the little kit spectrometer — don’t use this to adjust your set, it’s not calibrated very well and the software and hardware are still changing fast, but it’s fun to play with.
I did something similar with SK68s and “#3” zoomies — just chewed a disk out of copper sheet to put behind emitters and gooped it in.
I really like the result with the Luxeon PC Rebels — the emitter gets raised up a bit closer to the lens, making the flood quite a bit wider. The emitter doesn’t quite focus but there’ s not much to see even when focused and the spot is nice and clean.
I just yesterday or so learned that PC means “phosphor converted”. I saw somewhere the lime called PC lime.
The colors are Luxeon Rebel Lime, PC Amber and Deep Red, and a “bargain XM-L of an unknown bin” driven to 4 1/2 amps. in a small flashlight. The deep red does not show well in the photo.
I suspect that is more accurate in detail than the data sheets. I see a gap between the blue stripe that probably is the unconverted LED light and the green phosphor.
I suppose they introduce some random or systematic variation in material properties to broaden the output of LEDs. I have seen car LED tail lights that look speckley to my old eyes, like grocery store bar code readers. That is a diffraction effect, and broadening the spectrum helps by making it more like fog.
That is a Philips Luxeon Repel PC Amber LED in an UltraFire 38 mm. lens light that is the same style as a Yezl t9. It has the original lens. The long focal length lens gives good flood, and good throw, but with a small spot.
The light is not quite as beautiful as a t9, but it works without problems.
Damn man, looked at this yesterday on my phone but didnt realize that was a silver dime, I spend so much time looking for those almost seems unholy to grind one down!
Still tho cool mod, I have a triple sinkpad with a lime, red-orange and blue I’m waiting to install in my DrJones RGB FW triple S10 but havent got to it yet. I use to have different colored SK68’s with every color of LED, I got rid of that project, wish I wouldnt have done that…
I figured the dime wouldn’t be worth any more than the trouble of figuring out how to sell it. That may not be right, as I saw a coin store today. I found two sterling forks at the Goodwill recently, but I am not using those in flashlights.
What emitter and light is that orange beam in the center coming from?
That is a Philips Luxeon Repel PC Amber LED in an UltraFire 38 mm. lens light that is the same style as a Yezl t9. It has the original lens. The long focal length lens gives good flood, and good throw, but with a small spot.
The light is not quite as beautiful as a t9, but it works without problems.
Thank you. Pretty cool stuff your doing. I hope these emitters become more popular and come down in price.