Dino Boy aka kreisler is known for it. He is a bit of a troll.
I think your referring to this thread though? Is there any place that sells XP-G or XP-E on 8mm MCPCB (with free shipping)?
Thats not kreisler.
H.H. has deleted comments in other threads. Who knows why though. They were neither “stupid” nor troll comments.
Since our admin allows us the privilege of modifying or deleting our posts, then we have the choice to use it. I see it as a good thing for some. I've done it and seen the need for it many times.
It probably just amuses them. Some people are easily entertained.
Doesn't really bother me. The thing that bugs me is when a board has moderators that stealth-delete posts they don't like, which this board doesn't seem to do.
Yep, it was Horst Horstmann’s signature (“please pm me, if this post is older than 2 weeks”) that got me thinking about it. I kind of understood that Dinoboy was doing it, but when I noticed that H.H. was deleting good/helpful posts I started wondering if there’s some reason behind that. And also if there’s more people doing it that I just have not noticed yet. :o
Absolutely nothing. I just think that, depending on the context, there is a very negative connotation attached to the word when the actual intent of what Kreisler is doing (and perhaps some others that I shall not name to protect the guilty, myself clearly not included, hehe.) is harmless fun.
We all define “troll” differently. To me, a mere presence of an outside the norm sense of humor is not sufficient, in and of itself, to rise to the level of Troll. Especially when the so called troll participates in a serious manner most of the time. Helios’ “a bit of a friendly troll” is much more apropos and accurate, if you ask me.
There's certainly some characters here, and I think it helps contribute to the relaxed and even playful atmosphere. I've been posting to boards since before the Internet caught on, back when they were called BBSs and everyone dialed up each other's phone lines with 1200 baud modems, and I've never seen a board like this one--but in a good way.
So, even if I don't always understand the motivation for people deleting some of their posts, I definitely understand the wisdom of allowing it!