“Use of personaly owned flashlights is now grounds for dismissal”
Now what? My C8 is my EDC
“Use of personaly owned flashlights is now grounds for dismissal”
Now what? My C8 is my EDC
I would suggest not using your personally owned flashlight at work. Unfortunately, it really is that simple.
Do they provide you with a company flashlight instead of your personal one?
Do you work in an environment which contains the risk of explosions or fires ?
I know some jobs require protected electronic devices of all kind.
wow… thats kind of a random rule. but rules are rules i guess
is there a reason you need a flashlight at work or reason why they are banning them?
What kind of company do you work for?
In the work I do I am not supposed to have a personal light, mainly cause all tools are required to be accounted for and there are no personal tools allowed at all……
Yeah, BnE, you have to tell us what you do for a living after a statement like that.
Yeah next time details of what you do and why it’s prohibited. At my work I’d be seriously pissed if they pulled that on me. The Stores at work only offers Incan Maglites 2aa which are far too dim for me. It’s hard enough that they don’t allow us to use our own power tools (atleast I get to use my own hand tools)
I work on UAV’s for the military. Some one (A Manager) left his personal pen light in an airplane & uncle sam found it
We have been issued 2 D cell incandesant flashlights but we are not alowed to have batterys in them as “they are not approved by the goverment” Lol
Might be time to get a meter-reading job. Then you could use the light on a regular basis! It’s all about priorities…
Ixnay the ookinglay orfay orkway comment.
Should’ve known the government would be involved in such a scam! Issued lights, no batteries! Guns, no bullets. Leaders, no brains.
I know what I have to do but it just stinks that I can’t use my C8 in the wee hours of the am. :cry:
Well it sounds like a system for proper tool control and accountability is needed. Which contractor? Battlespace? Lockheed?
Unless you work in some kind of very specific environments, where special equipment is needed, most likely this is simply the result of lawyers run amok.
Wow! Government intelligence at its finest. We all know how bright a 2D incan is without batteries. I'm sure that will work out far better than leaving a working light behind.
military = bureaucracy
When I made a licence for the transportation of dangerous goods (including ammunition and explosives) during military service there were at least 20y old incan lights onboard of every vehicle, every light was half as big as a car battery and powerful as a…………………match………maybe two or three matches……
I know firefighters are equipped with protected flashlights, usally in ugly green plastic hosts. I think they already use LED but……………let’s say their output is better than incans.
Safety is a good thing, but when it comes ridiculous consequences, like banning every flashlight in a working spot in which the workers need a flashlight from time to time it’s just plan stupid……….especially when the government or military or company of any kind does not provide proper alternatives to their workers.
Hey wait, military ?
Ask your manager to provide some Surefires with genuine Surefire CR123 batteries. :bigsmile:
its tool control wont let us have batterys lol. Give it 6 to 8 months to get it all approved……
Firefighter here have some super bright LED upgrades for there lights…now outputting 70 lumen LOL
Might be time to get a meter-reading job. Then you could use the light on a regular basis! It’s all about priorities…
+1**2 to that.
Step out into the light with the rest of us! You’ll like it here. (Seriously, if no one participates, their little game will stop. That’s Law.)