Please don't use 'quote' for 'reply', and don't bloat with multi-quote

AFAIK Bort hasn’t got any experience of sleeping (or nightmares). It has something to do with something that would eat him, they say…

I can’t help ya there, i’m no dream analysis expert
I can direct you to a high lumen flashlight if your awake at night, though i suspect you also have similar expertise :smiley:

Indeed, perhaps thats why i have pursued flashlight technology :laughing:
I have now graduated to alternative facts and the occasional Covfefe gag

The only flashlight, if I had one in my nightmares, would probably never turn on when I needed it the most.

perhaps you need to look into lucid dreaming?

I had to lookup lucid dreaming. I’ve never had control over my dreaming, probably never will.

I believe there are communities of people into it, might be interesting pursuing it

Please don’t be telling me what to do. Bruh…

I think I should try lucid living first.

Lucid dreaming is actually pretty fun. It took a long time of exercises before I finally had my first lucid dream. I was only doing it for a short time though, it took too much time and effort to maintain the ability to have them.

What's this all about anyway, I think I need to read the OP...

I actually practiced lucid dreaming a long time ago too. It does indeed take a bit of effort to maintain. However, there are supplements (legal) which I’ve found can coincidentally trigger them. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten what it was but it was a workout related supplement related to creatine.

Interesting, I didn’t know that. But it doesn’t matter, the most fun lucid dream I had was the very first. Actually touching things was a total blast (in my case a giant blue women’s face looking at me slightly amused).


I’m pretty sure it is about kittens.

Because internet breakage is no longer only for Kim Kardashian :+1:

This is what scared me as a child. lol!

Good point

This thread is priceless, and it has made my day Far more enjoyable

Thank you Very VERY Much to everyone.

Drop some LSD and she’ll be right mate lol.