Please don't use 'quote' for 'reply', and don't bloat with multi-quote

Oooooh this made me spit out my coffee! Bahahaha, thanks! :laughing:

We have control of your tv set.

Cheers David

Any one remember the song. How low can you go?

As soon as I read the first post in this thread, I absolutely knew this was where it was going to end up.

Buy Logitech G502, you can unlock the scroll wheel and spin it like a spinner, it works very good for going thru posts like these here :smiley:

Me too.

I object to all these conditions, i’ll explain

Chaos theory tells us deleted accounts will lead to tornadoes or very angry birds

But we need to have a dialogue about dirt cleanup strategies. For example dirty laundry is a hazard, and if we continually sweep it under the rug then we will run out of clothing and keep tripping when we try to walk on unstable floor coverings.

But subjects like this are extremely important to our physical and mental well being:

This is impossible, you can drop a physical object like an iron dumbbell or a glass of water but a conversation has no physical mass that allows it to react to gravity

This is not the best approach, see the sign below

See the sign above

But the data could be given away for free then its not technically being sold

But if your addicted to flashlights then this site is just enabling us which leads to long term cirrhosis of the liver, failed relationships and 12 step meetings.

you got me here :smiley:

It began as a bit of a joke
An attempt to good humor invoke
And though it wasn’t planned
It got out of hand
And then the whole Internet broke

It’s never the end of the flick
Until jacktheclipper posts a limerick.

Priceless! Thanks Jack! :smiley:

It’s gone from bad to worse.


Look at that markup!

Pretty much the best thread ever.

How long must this thread go on? It’s seriously getting out of hand IMO.

I think its already done, but i could be wrong.

I hope you’re right…lol. Now I’m quoting you. Let’s hope this doesn’t end in a mile long quote on quote on quote, etc, etc, etc……

Its hypnotic isn’t it, quoting leading to quotes and before you know it Batman is running from a shark

I don’t know what’s worse, Batman running from a shark, or the nighmares I had as a kid running from the Blob.

Probably the nightmares
Batman should be carrying shark repellent, in the 1960s he was that wise.

I had no Blob repellent in my nightmares, just my ability to run fast. I always woke up just before it caught me.