Please don't use 'quote' for 'reply', and don't bloat with multi-quote

I think I clicked on this thread by mistake


OK, the quotes are getting a bit out of hand so lets start over

C an
T esla
C reate
B atteries
T hat
D egauss?

I’m not touching this with a 10-cell Maglite…

Kennyboddy, your complaint is not on the list of rules. Help?

Sorry but you’re probably not going to achieve your goal.
I do agree that “quote in quote in quote” posts are a pain to read, when it happened in the Q8 thread it was almost literally a pain, to scroll through when updating the list.
But people come here to relax, and so they will have their fun.
It is like those “please delete” topics, bound to go way off topic .
Best accept it for no good comes from being annoyed :wink:
Just click on some ads to help SB recover from the data usage :slight_smile:

Best advice yet!!! Darnit… had to quote someone!

Thank you for your humble and valuable instruction as to how this forum should operate, especially given your extensive tenure of nearly three months. Now, please keep these humble and valuable thoughts to yourself, or take them elsewhere.

I use many forums, and it look like BLF have strange quote/reply function.
In other forums you can select part of text ,and there is button “quote selected” it is really cool feature! Another convenient feature is if you click on nickname you can adress you reply without quoting at all. And when you open forum you see notification that somebody tell you something.

This escalated ivthink

Yes we can. Cool too! Or what.

well now i know my mouse wheel doesnt work.

This forum is awesome!

Careful with the nesting quotes! The forum is gonna explode!

I agree. It’s best to avoid doing it.

I love this thread. Almost as good as all those “deleted” threads. :wink:

OnTopic: At least those who were here during the kreisler-period know how important it is to store (at least of a part of) the previous message you were replying to… :person_facepalming:

[for newcomers: this forum allows deleting and editing your posts, misleading the reader to think you were replying to the previous post or to posts that have been troll-edited to state the exact opposite]

Selective quoting (extracting the person and points you are replying to) is also useful because it eliminates the need for scrolling up (or going to previous page!) when you jump directly to the 1st unread reply.

Just my .02

Thank you BLF for making my days :smiley: And nights :smiley: :smiley:
I went to sleep laughing, I woke up laughing even more :laughing:

This is how selective quoting works :wink:

I’m a noob here, too, but I learned fast that BLF threads and quotings tend to get biiiiig and to escalate! So, when trying to read a +6.000 posts thread, you gotta quote and keep people on track! Even on a 10 posts thread you gotta do that man!

kennybobby, even understanding your concerns, enjoy the forum and all that’s shared here! Even trolling stuff :sunglasses:

It’s quite difficult reading these nested quotes, the way we are using it on BLF is ok with me. If not, your’e probably too old for a forum like this :wink: