[Poll] Do you use an acne wash?

Yaaa I used to hate on phones too, I had the same cell phone for like 10 years, think it was the original Samsung galaxy. Then I finally got a newish one and now I use mobile for pretty much everything. I got a ps5 when it first came out and was impossible to find and I could’ve resold it for a profit, and I think I’ve turned it on like 3 times. My gaming PC hasn’t been turned on this year.

My TV has Netflix and YouTube and all that built in. Everything else I do on mobile :person_shrugging:

It’s just so much easier.

I used to use laptops alot, but I took apart the battery of my old gaming laptop to salvage the 18650s last year and found 2 of them had kinda burst and had been leaking, and the others tested at 200mah and pretty much 1ohm IR. I basically had a bomb 1" away from my junk for who knows how long lol. Now I’m scared of laptops.

I was loving it when phones were getting smaller and smaller. My crowning glory was a teenytiny Nokia that I only had for a short time before getting my Nuron with self-contained GPS (ie, Ovi maps, no need to connect to goggle maps or anything). That teeny one seemed barely bigger than a Zippo lighter, and disappeared into my pocket so I’d even forget it was there.

Then the reverse craze started. Bigger and bigger screens, phones that felt like you were carrying a clipboard in your back pocket. Noped out of that arms-race of bigger and bigger screens, and stayed with cheap small phones.

I still don’t get how people can spend multiple kbux on a 100in big-screen teevee, yet still are happy to have to use an electron microscope to watch a movie on a phone.

So… mobile-anything might work for a lot of people, but not for me.

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Wow, that was a lot to take in. :joy:

Just recently I was “manually” switching the doodad from “tracking” to “watching”.

I went again into the settings, and the default was “tracking”, after being sure to have set it to “watching” after pennzy suggested that. So I did it again, made sure to verify its setting, clicked [save] a few times (to make sure it listened), and hope it’s doing its thing, but I forgot what I set manually vs what I didn’t.

I like the dealy with the ‘#’ key to find a specific message number. That could come in handy.

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Yep, remember that’s the default for threads that you participate in from now on, so make sure you manually set a few threads to Watching. This is mainly for troubleshooting your notification emails, once we verify that it’s working correctly you might want to keep on Tracking by default, and make it only send you notifications while you’re away. This forum engine does a really good job via its main interface of showing you where you left off in previously viewed threads and which ones have new activities and replies, so not as many email notifications are required if you want to have less email noise.

Also the timeline slider thingy lets you skip to a specific month/year range in the history of a thread, as well as scrolling to specific post numbers (X / Total) .

Yep… I can’t find a reasonably sized Android phone anymore. I’m talking under 6". They’re all obscenely big. I think there’s only one current iPhone that is around that size, but I personally refuse to buy Apple products. And then they chase after the bizarre metric of thinness, thus making them ever harder to repair or even swap out the battery like you used to be able to do. Users pay top dollar for the most svelte model and then slap a 2cm thick rubberized DeWalt case on it to prevent it from damage…

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Yeah, I don’t like Apple products either.
My 12 year old niece has an older iPhone that is very compact because she wanted something compact.
I don’t mind the larger smart phones because I use a pouch that attaches to a belt loop to hold my phone (so my phone is not in my pocket.)

I also use a carabiner to make it easier to attach the pouch to my belt loop. :+1:

I was considering a Jelly-something phone. Jelly Bean, Jelly Doughnut, Jelly Belly, something Jelly-like. Touted as being small while still usable.

In hindsight, should’ve gotten it, as the Mavens 2 and 3 max out the memory like 30sec after you turn it on, with all the undeletable bloatware shiite stuffed in there.

Funny thing is, my Tracfone (amazon deals thread last year, deal of the century!) is a flip-phone that lets me feel like Cap’n Kirk calling the USS Star Track, and that’s android based, too!

And I was going to comment on that, too, that you can get add-on batteries the size of the phone itself to stick on, plus these “armored” rubber cases that should be branded “Firestone” or “Goodyear”, because the phones themselves are so deficient.

And people PAY for “thinness” and “sleekness”, and then have to add all that shiite just to make the phones passably usable.

With regards to acne wash, there are two major ingredients used to treat it. Most products will usually have either salicylic acid, like the orange Neutrogena, or benzoyl peroxide, which is what’s in Clean & Clear. I find salicylic acid to be a bit gentler on the skin compared to benzoyl peroxide, but there’s a lot of other ingredients in various products that can contribute to this as well.

Been ages since I’ve had a need to use any acne treatments, so I’ve been fine sticking with Cetaphil’s gentle skin cleanser. It’s fragrance free and hypoallergenic, and I believe is also noncomedogenic, which is nice if you find the other stuff is mucking up your skin.

So it doesn’t encourage making jokes about it? :clown_face::rofl::clown_face:

Two drums and a cymbal fall off a cliff…

Apple has the advantage that their software only needs to run on their hardware, where android needs to be compatible on phones built by a dozen companies. I think they can get a lot of efficiency gains out of that. Like android phones with less than 6gb of ram are unusable, high end models have 12gb or more, and they need it. But apple has been perfectly fine using 4gb and just recently started experimenting with 6gb. Plus they have less issues with software updates compatibility. I still use android but apple is getting more and more tempting.

Look up modular phones. They’re big and slow and nobody is buying them, but you can swap out everything. Battery, camera, display, ports, speaker, microphone all without soldering. Pretty everything except the processor.

Yep, I actually totally agree. There’s also the issue of the support lifecycle; getting updates for the OS is a total crapshoot with different Android phone manufacturers and even across different product lines from the same manufacturer. With Apple devices it’s very consistent and usually much longer than from Android manufacturers. Plus most hardware manufactured for use with Android is total garbage in terms of durability, whereas Apple devices seem to last much longer.

But then there’s the “walled garden” thing from Apple that I just can’t accept. Once an Apple device finally reaches the end of its support life you can’t even keep the browser up-to-date since per Apple policy all browsers for iOS / iPadOS are just a skin for the Safari engine that can only be updated as a core part of the OS. No side-loading of applications. Highly abstracted UI to prevent users from getting access to the underlying filesystem. Non-standard weird protocols and limitations when transferring data between Apple devices and a computer. Non-standard weird protocols and limitations for data transfer between Apple and Android devices. No unlocked bootloaders or third-party ROMs to extend the life of an unsupported device.

Basically I hate all mobile devices, and I prefer using and spending money on “real” computers whenever possible. I have a number of laptops as much as 18 years old that still run the latest versions of a number of different Linux distributions with current apps and an excellent security profile. Unfortunately the quality of non-Apple laptop hardware is going downhill (with many of the similar pros and cons for Apple laptops as mentioned for their mobile devices), but that’s a rant for another day. :wink:

I think a full desktop computer with a mouse and keyboard is a vastly better experience compared to a laptop. This is true both for ergonomic reasons and performance reasons. All but the highest end laptops make large compromises in order to meet size and power requirements so performance is lacking. The also typically include proprietary drivers that can cause your Windows experience to be less predictable.

If I had to guess, your current mobile device is probably faster than the laptops you had for basic computing. I suspect that if you built a decent desktop computer with a reasonable CPU and an SSD that you would find that using a Desktop can be vastly superior experience for certain tasks. For example, filling out web forms, or using the filter options when searching retail websites.

Yep, I have a gaming laptop that was pretty powerful when I got it, but now I don’t like laptops because they’re much tougher for me to repair compared to desktops.
I have a full sized keyboard and mouse hooked up to my laptop, and I frequently hook up my laptop to a 32" screen, so the laptop is kinda similar to a desktop. :+1:
(In the future, though, I won’t be getting another laptop.)

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Supposedly Apple is adding sideloading capability with iOS17 and iPadOS17.

Currently it is actually possible to sideload apps but it is a MASSIVE pain in the arse. Basically I use a Windows application called Altserver to push an app version of Altserver to my device. This application provisions sideloaded apps as if you were a developer. What this means in practice is that you have 7 days until the activation expires. The only way to bypass the 7 day limit would be to pay Apple $99/yr for a professional developer account.

So what could be worth this hassle? I use it to install a version of the youtube app with adblocking capability :smiley: That’s literally all I use it for haha

But anyway, you can imagine I am waiting impatiently to see what iOS17 brings.

Acne is not really a skin condition, it is a symptom of internal issues. fix the internal problem acne will go away. But do not bother with dermatologists if you want to fix underlaying cause , they wont even bother.

Ah right, I heard something about that. Also I think they said they might start allowing alternative browser rendering engines, divorcing the browser UI from the Safari rendering engine. But I wonder if that will only happen in the EU where they are putting legislative pressure on Apple?

Ah really, I didn’t know that.

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It’s convoluted and not particularly discoverable. It’s not as mainstream as jailbreaking used to be. My device is not jailbroken by the way, but this stuff still works




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Ooooh, that makes you a t3rr0r1st!!!

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But seriously, YouTube was the terrorist first. They started by putting little doses of !@#$ in the pudding but now the ratio of !@#$ to pudding is like 50/50. I just won’t eat it. If they eventually block access for users of adblockers I just won’t use it anymore, the same way I dumped reddit a couple of yrs ago.

No, I’ve always had gaming laptops that were as good as a top of the line PC at the time. Problem is that was only true for like a year cuz you can’t upgrade anything in them but the ram, and it gets expensive buying a whole new laptop every couple years. I wouldn’t buy another one now, but that’s all Ive ever had. It was a dumb choice in university when everyone had MacBook airs and then there was me with this 6" thick, 20lb laptop with 2 giant exhaust ports pointing out that back running so loud it was hard for me and everyone around me to hear the lecture, and nothing else could fit in my backpack.

I’ve just accepted I have to get a new phone every 2 years now. They make it so easy with trade-in offers for your old phone and leases. Plus after 2 years my battery has 1500 cycles on it and replacing the battery cost more than a new phone after the trade in value usually