You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
Voted bare polished, to match the C01s blf edition
I think the SP10 would look great in the champagne/pale gold the SP32A used to be offered in. If it was offered in FC12-like purple I think that would sell well too.
Matte black
Gold or green, please.
I agree with this and CVP’s matte black suggestions. Clear ano would be better if going with a raw option.
As much as I like the no-ano on my BLF C01S, I’m not sure I’d like the raw aluminum on the SP10 Pro. I’d definitely go for a clear ano though!
A clear anodization over polished aluminium is my preference too.
Bare polished would be awesome! I’d take 2.
Voting for a standard issue coating seem redundant
I second this :+1:
Voted bare polished. Hoping for clear ano.
Since colors are winning, I think a ZL -like ‘natural’ or olive color would be awesome.
Is an orange like the one C01 a possibility?
Definitely bare, or any kind of aluminum finish.
Fancy colors will probably come automatically.
So if Lux-P has a vote with sofirn It’d be nice to have it go to 1 that’s not automatic
Not a fan of no ano because you can’t lock out the light.
Would be happy with black + colours
Messing around in Photoshop…
I’m not affiliated with Sofirn so this is all unofficial and very much not representative of what it would actually look like. Larger images here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
I voted for bare polished. Electronic lockout only is fine for me.
Type 3 anodising would be great, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that on a budget light.
I’m assuming there will always be a default black option.
Bare aluminum will not have the emissivity anodized will.
But clear anodization is fine so you still get aluminum colour.
Matte black rather than the typical shiny black. Would love to see that.