Preliminary XP-G 2 real word results

Thanks, that calms me a bit. I was afraid that this new “killer” should be a disappointment just like the XT-E with its yellow beam core (at least my two ex. Had it).
Yes, a 2S tint would be rather green lying a good bit “north” of the black body curve.
I am now anticipating the XP-G2 in tint 3C with a uniform tint, can’t wait…

Cree spec sheet say that the XP-G is better than the XP-G2

You noticed that these test where run at different temperatures, don’t you? :wink:

HorstHorstmann already mentioned it.

When you correct for temp the xpg-2 is better. The specs are a bit confusing here. You have to reference the output vs temp graph to get real world data for the xpg.

Thanks for correcting me. I just looked at the numbers.

Are the New XTE any good ?

According Eagletac they seem better

I'm looking for XP-G2 mounted on 16mm star. I know Int O has them but out of stock. Any other venders with stock?

This is no help to you but Cutters only have 18 and 20 mm stars at the moment.

10mm star is also available.

I have the XTE r4-3A on a quad pcb. It has a nice rich tint, not to yellow but not blue-white either. Not ready for beam shots yet, still testing.

No, because now they are measuring the output at more realistic 85°C. The older XP-G was binned at 25°C and therefore delivered less output than the bin code suggested if it was run for a few minutes.

I see, thanks Erzengel for clearing that up for me.

So XT-E, XP-G2 (and probably all new leds from CREE) are brighter/more efficient than their bin suggests compared to older emitters.

My bad. Yes they do also have 10mm. Must be that senility again that the better half complains about a lot. Thanks for correcting me.

As i have made complete tests with almost all cree emitters,5 cree xt-e that i have, had just like most cree xp-g s2 bin that i had, could not see difference in lumen output@700ma, or one of them in Armytek predator@1,5amper . Xp-g2, is a step ahead, they are better, to about S3-S4 bin rating and focuses much better. Cree xt-e is good in general lighting, as it is cheap and if you are lucky, you might find it good modding some old xr-e led flashlights with this. I personally modded my jetbeam C-Le with a xt-e and focuses great(still some yellowish corona, but very happy with the result).
(again, all leds were from cutter, not advertising, he is expensive, but he is a trustful dealer)

Awesome news Bob! Gonna have to keep these XP-G2's in mind.


Ditto! They sound great.

Anyone selling these on 16mm stars yet? I know IO were but are now out of stock, but are they currently available anywhere?

Yeah, Bob, I agree they are best suited for smaller lights like AA/AAA. As I travel down the flashlight road I find my tastes for smaller lights have changed and I am more into all around use, low lows, and run time instead of just the brightest in the smallest size. My appreciation of the XP-G has grown over the last year or two. ;)

Ok...another quick couple of mod results. I just swapped these into my Fenix LDO1 and Shiningbeam S-mini xp-g. My poor LDO1 has had more emitters ran through it than one of foys SF hosts... is the data (all values are OTF obviously):

Fenix LD01

Battery Mode Stock Mod(xpg2)
1xAAA Low 2.7L 4.3L
Med 22.1L 30L
High 70.3L 93.8L
2xAAA Low 2.8L 4.3L
Med 40.2L 48.4L
High 151.8L 162L
1x10440 Low 3L 4.3L
Med 59.3L 79.6L
High 221.3L 347L

ShiningBeam S-Mini XP-G

Mode Stock Mod(xpg2)
Low 5.5L 6.8L
Med 111.5L 130.2L
High 237.2* 327.3L

*Stock, high was 274.3L at turn on, but dropped really fast (~30sec). Found too much thermal goop during the teardown... This is why I teardown almost every light I get, just to verify the work.

This was a noticeable improvement over stock. No more green tint, better throw, and more light to boot. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite emitters.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the full emitter test results.

Wow, that sounds really great :smiley: Thanks for those tests, Match, really appreciated :slight_smile:
Only one thing: can you make white walling but with the same light, i.e. if you have 2 identical lights, one with XP-G and the other one with modded XP-G2. Or just make 2 pics with the same camera settings, you know.
Thanks in advance :wink:

Better tint too! Looking forward to the final emitter test. I use your charts pretty much as my emitter/battery/drop-in/lumen bible.
