These look quite promising. I’ve been really busy over the past month and have been unable to follow blf. I sent an email to LampMan yesterday and I’m waiting on a reply.
I don’t like the look of his most recent entries on his blog. Telegram: Contact @sunlikenews
Someone jailed?
Hmm, not nice
So, if I am reading correctly… I would go to his website, configure and order but not pay until instructions are emailed? Looks like maybe delivery sometime this winter?
It seems like nothing much will happen soon in this project, unfortunate things may have happened to Lampman (SunLike). See above posts.
Just to be clear, he lives in Belarus and the updates say he was arrested for speaking out about a member of Lukashenka’s regime online, so he’s currently a political prisoner like many people in that country. The latest update is his mailing address at the prison where he’s being held, so it doesn’t seem like he expects to be released any time soon.
So sad - we take so much of our freedoms for granted.
Hey y’all, I’ve been busy and haven’t been following this closely but it doesn’t look good for this project.
I looks like our friend LampMan won’t be following through with the boards. His website is now down. I don’t understand what he is saying in audio recordings on telegram but I don’t think he is doing very well.
I wish him the best as it looks like he is in some pretty severe trouble. I don’t think there’s anything we can do for him in Belarus.
I am sorry to all those who paid, it looks like we won’t be getting our boards and if you paid at the start like me, it is probably too late for a payment dispute.
I’ll see what I can do to make it up to you. Does anyone know where we can get sunlike LEDs or similar, very high cri 3v ones, for a low price? I’m really busy now but I am willing to draw up a pcb in the future when I have more time, and jlcpcb offers cheap aluminum boards so we could get them manufactured easily.
Lampman’s problems are way worse (looks like he is jailed by the Belarus government for having an opinion ) than the few dollars that I lost, I’m ok with loosing the money, and I can only hope for Lampman’s situation to change for the better.
I am not concerned about losing the money I sent for a board. It is very concerning that a person can end up in jail for having am opinion that some government does not agree with. All my best wishes to Lampman.
Can only wish the best for Lampman, the lost money on the order is not worth considering compared to his wellbeing.
Someone is updating Lampman's telegram channel (his father?):
Hope he can be free from jail soon. And hope he learns the lesson and takes care too.
Hello, everyone! I received pcbs (photo in my telegram)
I was in prison of North Belarus (absolutely illegal)
I lost all my tools and almost all parts (I have only spectrometer and white leds and some bulbs bodies)
Thank everyone! But I still not with my son (he was deport to Ukraine like orphaned)
I am very happy to see you have been released and very saddened and angry to hear about your son. I am not concerned about the monies I sent you for board and led’s. Take care.
Welcome back! We were worried about you. I hope you are with your son again very soon.
WB, SunLike!
I hope that you don't go back to prison, and I hope that you and your son will be doing better soon.
Glad to see you back! I hope that things go better with your son too.
So glad to hear you got out, I hope you can be with your son again soon!
Glad to have you back, wish your family good luck.
It appears that Sunlike has his family back with him and all are in Ukraine.