Project: SUNLIKE LT1 board (Option for 660nm Red)

Thanks for clarifying.

Wow. Missed this project until now. Really wish the bottom end CCT was 2200k or less. 2000-3500 would be just right IMO.

I ordered an unpopulated board too, to use whatever interesting leds that can be found :slight_smile:

Ah, the joy of reflowed emitter skills… :sunglasses:

The first thing that I learned myself when I started the hobby. But I know the feeling, I have that when someone mentions to just flash the newest Anduril to solve a problem :frowning: (I have little computer skills, and no windows computer).

On a related note, does anyone know where I could source E21a emitters to use on the LT1 board? Clemence’s site is still under construction and Hank doesn’t have bare emitters listed on his store. Going to need a bunch of them to populate several of these boards.

K, PP payment made.

Already tried there. You can add to cart but can’t actually purchase anything.

Have you tried email contact? The last time I was there the checkout page told the user to contact them. There is an email on their contact page. I would try contacting clemence thru the email.

I did get that message, but I’m also waiting for Clemence to fulfill an outstanding order that I paid for over a year ago, which is part of the reason I was hoping there is another source for E21A. Unfortunately it looks like there isn’t, unless I want to order and entire reel.

Oh. Covid hit Indonesia quite hard

It will be interesting to see what impact the LT1’s opaque white lens will have on red emitters. Has anyone tested this yet to confirm?

The diffuser should be color neutral, so the red should remain red.

I seem to recall somebody sharing an emitter swap in an LT1 to replace the CW LED’s with photo red XP-E2’s, but I can’t find it now.

Diffusers mainly lower the blue region of the spectrum, relative to the rest, red gets out relatively easy.

Rayoui, Cutter sells some E21A leds, nothing loose though, all mounted on mcpcb’s

email me for emitter sales

Any idea when these will ship? How many orders have there been?

I know I'm gonna forget about this...

It’s been about 2 months, some form of update would be nice…

It looks like there is another option for extremely warm white aside from E21A’s.

A member of the flashlight reddit shared recently that Luxeon 2835N is available from Mouser in 1800K, 90 CRI. These are 2835 size, so they should be a perfect fit for Sunlike’s board:

A 2200K, 90 CRI version is also available:

The datasheet is here:

These are mid-power LED’s - binned at 65mA, max rated current 300mA for the N series (1st link) and 480mA for the HE series (2nd link). This should be fine for the LT1. Maximum current per emitter with 7 x 7135’s divided by 18 emitters would be 136 mA.

The spectral graph is on the bottom half of page 10 of the datasheet. I’m sure it’s not Sunlike level CRI, but it looks as it should - still a little light available past 450nm on the blue end of the spectrum, and lots of light at 650 nm and beyond on the red end.