Put me down for one please! (gonna try an forget about this until it’s ready otherwise I’ll be coming back here everyday for an update)

Gotta say I love the Dungeoness crab sandwiches at AT&T park, toasted garlic sourdough with tomatoes, mmmmmmm!

No need for sorry :wink:

Yes will update list later

All we can say, it is done when done.
Due to illness I had very little time behind the PC so no chance of talking to Barry
Getting a but better so kicking in and will try to get some news by starting emailing Sunday evening

BrianK wrote:
<<I love lobster, but I reserve it for a treat. It’s available locally in many places. I actually prefer steamers (piss clams, neck clams) over lobster. I also reserve those as a treat since they’re so high in cholesterol. There’s a place on the coast, Reds Eats, it’s nothing to look at and the ambiance is horrible, but their fried clams are worth driving to Maine for. I try to do it twice a year, before tourist season and after the tourists go home. Google it. Their fried clams are really something special. Their haddock is also outstanding. There I go, I’m salivating at the thought.

When I do get lobster I get a lobster roll unless I’m home. It’s too messy to eat otherwise. Yeah Reds Eats lobster rolls are also outstanding and most of the time less expensive than their fried clams. As many times as I’ve told myself that, “I’ll get a lobster roll today.”, I always get the fried clams and I don’t care what they cost after driving 60 miles….>>

We always eat our clams in Essex Mass at Woodmans (fat belly) or Farnhams (small belly). both are delicious! I never buy them anywhere else! guess I will have to try Reds Eats now. :slight_smile:

Back to the Q8

I have a few VTC5, will check them in that light for comparison.

FWIW, I detest lobster and crab both, almost as much as oysters.

:smiley: And I was going to write about the oysters that are available on the way to the pivoting bridge. Oh well. I have yet to stop in there to buy some. I look forward to eating them on the halfshell right there. Nothing on them, just the oyster and it’s briny taste.

Back to the Q8 in progress…

Discharge curve for VTC5 an VTC5A from HKJ’s comparator , at 7A for example :

VTC5A performs a little better , and i found that it is noticeable in setups with high Vf leds , like xp-g2 (or triple xp-g2) which they have a quite big difference .

Just saying :slight_smile:

Possible mods on the Q8 proto:

  • UCLp upgrade - best lens I know of
  • XP-L2's - gotta be the HD V6 3B's from KD, only XP-L2's I know of at V6 bin. Been getting over 2,000 lumens out of single mods
  • more baking - gonna try baking the battery tube form the bottom up - hope to get dark gold on bottom, maybe changing to reddish near the head. Maybe try the head in the reddish tint?
  • Better FET, maybe the SIR404DP or this one: https://www.arrow.com/en/products/bsc009ne2ls5atma1/infineon-technologies-ag. The Infineon has some awesome specs, but I might be missing a deal breaker spec somewhere in it, but 100 amp max, 400 amp pulsed, lower resistance, much lower response times? Hhmm... Not the same package/footprint but very close - think'n it should work - pin spacing matches.
  • thicker LED wires? Maybe 16 AWG? Should be able to fit
  • Working on V1.3 firmware enhancements
  • need to lower the LED switch brightness - will try a higher value resistor

Wonder what output can be achieved with all the above. Figure a solid 5% bump for the UCLp lens alone, maybe another 5% for the XPL2's because they can do higher amps because of the lower Vf they operate at.The wire and FET might be a couple %, maybe. Maybe 7,200+? Nice if so...

Interesting. In a XP-L2 light, I was able to get a PWM value of 1 working on the single 7135. Extremely low output. In bright room light, can't tell the LED is lit unless you cup your hand over it. Normally in most lights, a PWM value of 2 minimum is needed to light up the LED. Getting the low value to light up or not can be tricky - might depend on the 7135 chip and/or battery level. I need to do more testing to see if it's advantage of the XPL2's or not.

In Narsil ramping, if you ramp down, it actually doesn't go to the set moon level, it stops at the first entry of the ramping table, which is a PWM value of 3. So only way to access moon is from OFF, press&hold, then release as soon as the LED goes ON -- it pauses at moon mode to give you a chance to release the button and catch it on moon. Moon mode is remembered though as the last used level. In Narsil now, the dbl-click access to turbo is not "remembered", so I'm considering doing the same for moon mode when you access it from OFF via press&hold. But if I do that, probably should allow ramping down to go to moon mode as the lowest level. This way it's consistent with turbo/max level.

So, if you ramp up to turbo/max it's remembered (now), and if you ramp down to moon, make it remembered as well (currently not). I think this is more consistent, and provides a better clear access to the 3 levels from OFF:

  • direct to moon mode by press&hold (again, the value of moon mode is custom configurable in the UI)
  • direct access to last used ramped level (click)
  • direct access to turbo/max (dbl-click)

moon mode and turbo can still be "remembered", but you have to ramp to them to do so.

Value per dollar increase is worth it. Excellent work!!

Well put, couldn’t agree more.

Did somebody have a psychotic break?

I found a similar infeon while searching fets for the texas buck, a PFET version. The nice thing in that case compared to the SIRs was as you say, it's fast: low capacitace/charges, which is important at 1Mhz. It probably doesn't matter at PWM speed though unless maybe you want to do moon mode with the FET, but they were nice anyway and as I recall they have models at different spec tradeoffs to choose from.

I guess? WOW! :person_facepalming:

I'm gonna order a couple from Arrow, might as well with free shipping, and they are cheap enough.

I don’t know if sb saw that post, but it was definitely ban worthy. It takes a lot in one post to merit a ban here, and that one had it all.

It appears so, since the account seems to be disabled. So, all taken care of. Nothing to see here.

Looks like Tom E has continued improving the Q8 though, refining an already-polished interface. I’m looking forward to it. :slight_smile:

Good grief, that was some seriously psychotic spam. I wonder if it was actually an attempt to do an SQL injection attack or something. Anyway, thanks to everyone acting quickly it was automatically banned and removed. Thanks a lot for your collective vigilance!

I feel left out, I missed the action due to not getting email updates on this thread for the last week. lol

If there had been a real problem, we would have been like…

“Mr. Admin, are you listening? We could use some help down here…”

But that wasn’t really necessary. And since actual problems on BLF are so rare, I’ll probably never have a valid excuse to use that picture. :wink:

:wink: Thanks ToyKeeper!