Please download/unzip the file: for the BAT files for AVRDude.
Here's the excerpt from the source code in Narsil.c from the comment header:
* See this for fuse settings:
* Following is the command options for the fuses used for BOD enabled (Brown-Out Detection), recommended:
* -Ulfuse:w:0xe2:m -Uhfuse:w:0xde:m -Uefuse:w:0xff:m
* or BOD disabled:
* -Ulfuse:w:0xe2:m -Uhfuse:w:0xdf:m -Uefuse:w:0xff:m
* Low: 0xE2 - 8 MHz CPU without a divider, 15.67kHz phase-correct PWM
* High: 0xDE - enable serial prog/dnld, BOD enabled (or 0xDF for no BOD)
* Extra: 0xFF - self programming not enabled
* --> Note: BOD enabled fixes lockups intermittently occurring on power up fluctuations, but adds slightly to parasitic drain
I never saw or heard of a problem like this that wasn't fuse settings. I can try downloading from the share, rebuild, and test it if you'd like. What driver are you using? What specific 7135 and FET?
I think it does not accept the preprocessor and other configs files, as I made a new project with just the narsil.c file
I learned a lot last 2 days getting into Amtel a bit, so i tried to compile your 3*7135 version
Compiling the whole project gives me an error in Amtel 5 that some tool is missing
Opening the Narsil triple v1.3 solution I need a newer version of Amtel studio than my 5.1
I have version 7 now installed and try to generate a new Narsil triple.hex
Got a compile switch in there now to enable/disable the double blink - might have been left turned OFF when I posted the source code. Interesting, but good news.