Get a family member to buy it for you (with you paying of course) and gift it to you, then it is actually a gift :wink:

Cheers David

Heck, a member of the BLF could also gift it to you.

Based my preliminary searching on parametrek, lights that come with a single XHP70 have better run times than 4x XP-L/XM-L2’s at lower currents (300~700 lumen). The rank for efficiency at the similar lumens seems to be XHP70 > XHP50 > XHP35 > XM-L2 > XP-L > XP-L HI, due to higher efficacy (Cree Datasheet).

For my use case, I prefer higher run time at lower levels over max output.

There many single XHP70 models, but they are usually 2x18650 and stick format. Few models are 4x18650 and SRK format. Most 4x18650 models run 3 or more XHP70/XHP50/XHP35 etc, and are very expensive.

What would be the advantage of running an XHP35 over an XHP70?

The xhp70 IS 4 of the xml2’s bunched together. Efficacy should be the same.
Are you taking into account the voltage differences?
What numbers do you have for both of these emitters?

The only advantage of the XHP35 over the XHP70 is the smaller die size which translates to a very small hotspot when used with a smooth reflector. A smaller hotspot means longer distance.

According to Cree Datasheets:
Maximum Efficacy at Binning Conditions (lm/W)
XHP70 - 150 lm/W
XM-L2 - 170 lm/W

The xhp70 may lose a little efficiency due to the extra heat of 4 dies close together.

The whole reason Cree made the XHP series was to reduce packaging size which reduced cost. There is nothing about them that makes them more efficient as far as light output versus current in.

Ordered some VTC6, but they are of the flat chested kind, and suited for people with a well developed gambling genome :laughing:

Now i just need the production line to send me a suitable place to store those batteries.

I do hope people here know it is good manners when you have any kind of list to start in the back, like they always announce the 3 place first and then 2 and first. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry, I did not participate in the experience of (BLF) group buy.
I think the flashlight will ship from the United States.
Is the flashlight shipped directly from Banggood?
If so, please keep my order.

It should go from Thorfire in China to Banggood in China then to all customers.

When it is time to order you will get a PM to go to a Banggood web page to order the light. You will get a coupon code that makes the price $40.

Yes, I understand. Thank you.

I think we are looking at classic dropshipping here.
Banggood handles the orders ( payments, listing, relaying addresses and notes (so make a note stating please mark as gift value $XX XX being dollars of your local currency you need to avoid VAT with a little margin, so EU, ask value $20 UK ask value $16 etc, this should work I received word from Banggood on this :slight_smile: )
Thorfire then ships it.

Wow, thats interesting. Does Banggood do that a lot or is this “group buy” complicating things and forcing them to do a dropship to make shipping easier?

To be honest on all my ~30 china orders from BG and GB I always had a MUCH lower monetary value printed on the outside label than I really payed, and I´ve never asked for it … so I´d say its common practise of ALL china warehouses to avoid “tax problems” … But I´d like to know if Banggood will offer some kind of “Germany Express” shipping for the Q8… the main advantage of this shipping method is that no matter how high the total value is, no taxes must be payed, because it´s shipped from china to UK and then to Germany….

Sorry, I’ll let banggood do what they deem best here.
If they offer this shipping methode (IDK what they IF they normally charge something for it) one can choose it.

Nice :slight_smile:

Thanks for setting up that option.

Undervaluing parcels seem to be the norm out of China, i have even shopped on sites that let yourself decide what value to put on the parcel.

Long time reader of BLF. Registered in order to participate.

Please count me in for 1 flashlight.

My SRK died 2 days ago.

I was talking about throw, you simply won’t get over 500m of throw in a single LED 50mm reflector with an XHP70.

As far as efficiency, the XP-L is the most efficient actually, with the xp-l2 being even more so. You can see the results here, pay attention to the Lumen per watt column:

The XHP70 would work perfectly fine in a single setup, particularly the xhp70.2 without the donut hole issues. The lack of something existing means nothing.

An xhp35 would throw a beam much further then the quad or xhp70 setup and would be quite interesting to see actually. A nice little thrower.

When will we see a final revised list? When will the lights go on sale? Thanks.

I hope no-one minds me taking some of the load off.

Can’t help on the list; it’ll be done as they get the time; everyone working on this is a volunteer. When on the lights? They are waiting on pre-production models to arrive and get the final approval. If that happens I would expect them to start rolling out fairly soon. If they aren’t right, it’ll take longer. Obviously everyone is hoping that they’re right.

One of you is talking about efficiency at low outputs and the other is talking about throw distances. :person_facepalming:

Btw, my Convoy L6 with xhp70 is doing 700 meters. Also, the xhp70.2 is probably still going to have a donut hole shape. The 50.2 still does.