I thought Tom E said (several posts back) that the 4” pouch would work, but the 4.5” pouch would be better, and the 5” pouch was just about perfect. He did also post some pics of the Q8 proto in a couple different sizes of the pouch. I don’t have time to search for it, but it was a couple pages back, IIRC.

I ordered ten 14500 battery from China about 4 months ago. Received them inside five cheap power banks for free.
Received HaikeLite MT07 and Manker MK34 with batteries inside also.

It’s just for statistic. It seems no problem sending batteries inside devices to my country.

Here's the 4.5" pouch: post #6560, here 4" vs 4.5": post #6579. Man this thread goes quick....

Thank you (and you too DavidEF). I _knew _I’d seen that picture somewhere in this haystack haha. I had requested a deeper pouch but got the 4 inch instead for some reason. I was gonna exchange mine but those pictures confirm I can make the 4” work.

I was away for some days , congrats Tom :beer:

The xhp70 will throw about the same as the quad setup it comes with stock and put out about the same total lumens. There is really no reason for this from a performance aspect.

Even the L6 with a much larger reflector only throws about ~500m, you can expect less then that with a smaller reflector.

Running a single xhp70 on the other hand could be cheaper then 4x XP-L’s so that would be a possible reason, particularly if combined with a TIR optic.

Now a single reflector setup could still be interesting with say an XHP35.

Checked myself. And I’m on the list. So excited to get one in hands :laughing:

I checked the list. Please add me for one light.
Thank you.

I checked the list. Please add me for one light.
Thank you.

Because postage may be expensive

please delete “709 steel_1024”

Do you pay shipping on items that are listed as free shipped on Banggood?
The price is supposed to be $40 incl worldwide shipping. With a label stating “flashlight value $20”

Yes there are no batteries with the light so shipping of it are free, but if you mean buying batteries for it will be expensive to import / ship then yes that may be a problem.

I will be buying more 18650 batteries later today ( from within EU ), im thinking better get 8 so i have a little in backup for what ever catch my fancy in the coming months.

Thanks to our currency tanking, $20 is still over the £15 limit that could get us hit for an extra $10 handling fee and $4 VAT… :person_facepalming:

O yeah that will also happen here, i am in this moment waiting for a little thing i got online, and while the additional tax and so on was not much then the 160 DKkr handling fee collected by our incompetent postal service make my little cheap internet item for a “toy” truck 2 X more expensive.
And our handling fee are there even if the parcel are below the 90 DKkr limit here, so you can buy something worth 70 DKkr online and it will end up costing you +200 DKkr when you got it in hand :rage:
And the handling fee will be collected even if the parcel have not been opened and inspected, and i think the inspection are the reason as to why they are allowed to collect that fee, after all the shipping have been paid for ( 2 times as i also have to pay VAT and so on the shipping prize )

I don’t understand how the postal and shipping companies can collect so much for a single item, this mean a person inspecting parcels just have to do 1 every hour to have earned his own wages.
So in my eyes this are a severe overpriced fee.

BUT ! now i am bordering politics again so i better clam up :slight_smile:


Hmm let me go ask a bit about this…

Edit, email send, report back later.

For the UK the Q8”s need to be marked at a max total of $18 (£14) to make sure they are under the £15 limit for gifts.
$20 is £15.45 at todays exchange rate which would mean we would have to pay 20% VAT on top

Don’t forget the addition of Royal Mail’s totally reasonable handing fee of £8 :rage:

It’s a £39 limit for items marked a gifts, but £15 for non gift items.

Well isn’t a Q8 a gift then?

Well, it is a gift to myself, so as long as it’s shipped with that declaration… :wink: