I'm glad there will be time to order... I missed this one completely... Looks great though...

Another BLF A6 XPL polished version arrived a couple of days ago... I may order a couple more at current sale prices. I also have several friends that are ordering.. They were shocked at the power... LOL

No, current design is ok, it is smth like 4xA6 stacked together.
SRK host will carry around 20w (~7A) for long time usage. 1800mA/led for high cri nichia - very good lattern/extra photo light/emergency light. With good efficincy and easy calculating runtime. Much better, than any other light with external 4x18650 case.

The difference in output and runtime between the FET and a liner regulator is hard to calculate. It depends on a lot of factors. For example in the low modes (say 10% FET duty) the difference will be fairly large with the FET having less lumens and worse runtime. At higher currents the difference will be very little.

It gets even more complicated then this in reality since we are pwm the 7135’s as well but the end point is that having 3 channels will give you a bit better efficiency in the low and midrange modes but not much change above that.

The largest benefit with the 3rd channel is the regulation that it offers, the light will remain at the same output until the battery voltage drops out of regulation unlike the FET that will get dimmer as voltage drops.

Although all of this is still very old school in reality. A good buck driver would blow both setups away in every way.

these do work well for what we currently have available and are cheap. So they are perfectly acceptable to use.

I personally doubt that I will take the time or effort to swap to a TA driver in the Q8, I would rather wait for a nice soda can light with a 4s cell carrier that can handle some real power and a buck driver. Opens a world of possibilities.

This is a case when the Milwaukee M18 one key radius light is nice. Attach a 9.0 M18 battery and hang from ceiling or rafter upside down from the hook. Then control brightness and light direction from phone to fit the need. Totally overkill but beats lanterns, tailstanding flashlights, flood lights, etc in this use.

Best $150 on clearance I ever spent.

Nice!!! :+1:
Thanks for sharing slackwolf. I have never seen one of those. :slight_smile:
That would beat a flashlight in most cases I would use it for too.

I’m in for 2. Thanks!

Welcome to BLF!
Will update list later

Not in every way. The buck driver has the unfortunate limitation of having a set-point at the top, whereas the FET isn’t limited on the top end. Whatever set-point you choose, even if it is a high one, it will be too low for somebody. :wink:

True, For the first few minutes seconds indeed a FET driver can get you higher output. Although a good buck driver is not far behind and in many cases could even be superior in those first few seconds.

The only mainstream LED that comes to mind as being able to take more then a budget priced buck driver could put out is the XHP70, it can actually handle 15A+ (which could still be done with a buck driver but would cost a lot).

Everything else maxes out at ~10A or less. Which is not that hard to do with a buck driver. It will also regulate that output instead of dropping with the voltage unlike an FET driver.

For example the Q8 with a buck driver could run the LED’s in 4s with 4S cell input. It would only need to output ~6A to max out the LED’s in such a setup. Pretty easy for a reasonable buck driver to handle. Any more then that and you risk killing the XP-L’s.

ill take one of these as well thanks.

Welcome to BLF!
Will update list later.

Yeah TA but we differ for I really like parallel cells, you love series.
I would not like my Q8 to NEED four married cells to function, I like 2-3-4 cells use to be a choice and a main attractive thing of SRKs but that is very personal I know :wink:

What’s wrong with using the modding thread for mod talk?

It’s probably because of the “Add new comment” text
It’s below the latest response posted on the thread.
It can be read as a direction to do that.

If only it could be changed to say “Add new comment here if you have something to contribute on this topic”

I would think nothing. ??

“Modding thread for mod talk” seems proper to me. :slight_smile:

Well to be honest we are talking aboit the GT carrier and if it maybe be good to design one that can easy be used as 4P or 2S2P or 4S and of course something like that with some parts to protect from wrong insertion of cells could be a nice thing for a Q8s (to stay with Thorfire naming scheme :wink: ) in combination with a fet+1+n driver
So talk about series and such is slightly on topic :wink:

What does SRK stand for?

Skyray King

SkyRay King (click on it)


You're absolutely right. I apologize to spinynorman and everyone else about the tone of my response.