Sorry kiriba-ru, you must have been posting while I was still typing the first time.

Blinker, SRKs (the name) are still available, but the quality isn’t there IMO. I strongly suspect that they’re clones. Just look for them on ebay. I recently bought one with 7 LEDs and I don’t remember the amount of light OTF. The light works and maybe it has that amount of lumens, I can’t measure it. But the UI is the pits with only med’ & high outputs, probably an obligatory flashing mode to make muggers cringe in fear (hold the button for strobe). I suppose for $20ish I got my moneys worth, but for $20 more the Q8 will be soooooo much better. FWIW, I just compared the clone SRK to a Meteor and no way is the SRK clone producing 15k lumens or whatever was claimed for it. By eye it has significantly less output than the Meteor when shown onto an indoor wall.

Today, if I understand it correctly, SRK pretty much just means the form factor of a given light. Basically what’s called a soda can light.

I’m the same as you. I much prefer parallel configuration for a number of reasons and it’s one of the reasons why I wanted the Q8 in the first place. If it was in serial I might have opted-out. I really see no need for cells in this light to be in series when parallel is already producing 6k lumens. That is already plenty for me. Of course, I understand people always wanting more and that is what modding is for.



And list updated

didn even see the festive page this thread has reached:

Any updates? Since tuesday seems to be communication day :wink:

Pi is not 3.14. It goes on and on. They are just using the first few digits because it’s convenient. Mind not blown.

Aww Come On! JasonWW, you had to go and spoil the fun? :cry:

EDIT: While we’re off topic already. Have you seen the movie Life of Pi? I didn’t really like the movie in general, but there was one interesting thing that happened. The guy’s name is Picene, pronounced “piss- een” and all the kids at school were teasing him. So, he tried to get them to start calling him Pi instead. He did this by quoting from memory the number pi to the 100th digit in math class! :crown:

22/7 is also Pi, and coming up Saturday, so is Saturday Pi day? :wink:

As long as we get to eat some PIE! :wink:

Yes, it is. Seriously.

My Mom is 83 years old, has been baking Pecan Pies a LOONG time… Saturday seems like a great day to talk her into doing it again. :slight_smile:

OHHH!!! Pecan Pies! Oh I LOVE Pecan Pies!

…with a great cup of fresh roasted, fresh ground, fresh brewed coffee… :heart_eyes:

Spam pies anyone?


The Q8, a BLF premium edition SRK type monster flashlight

Got something relevant to add?

Never had one, but might as well give it a try it appears.


Oh, I got it! :crown:

I wonder how long it would take to heat up a cup of coffee and a slice of pi using the Q8 on Turbo! :wink:

Barry told us that:
The test were good
They use proto 2 springs with longer inner spring
He asked for manual (working on cheat sheet, please all who can contribute do so in Joechina s thread for it it is now or never for the printed and boxed version )
We will see a video of drop test to show stiffness of springs

Oh dang Dale, sounds good, can you get a recipe for me (my chocolate cake is so good, people here love it more then what the profs make but heck that is easy, dairy without fungus the French are not good at, maybe I’ll make a topic for some recipes if I find the time)

I fixed one for you…… :+1:
Q8 Recipe Thread

I don’t see the need for a printed manual. Everyone who is ordering this light has access to internet (obviously). Just print the link to the first post of this thread on a small piece of paper and be done with it.
If Thorfire wants to produce a manual for their own version, they can do so later on.
Damn, I want the light …. NOW. :smiley: