Right, in idle mode, the lowest mode you can possibly run PWM from, I've typically measure 2mA from an attiny board running at 8mHz. You can do much better on more modern chips, and as TK has showed, a fair amount better just by slowing the clock.

@Tom Tom, thanks, that's about what I came up with, minus the indicator. I have no software yet for the indicator. Hmm.. I might try to at least set it on.

So how much current (or percentage of FET) can this light reasonably run sustained in the hand? 3A?

You have probably got a lot more current going through the one LED now. You can measure it by measuring the voltage across the resistor and dividing by 15,000. Instead of e.g. 113uA shared between two LEDs, it is now all going through one. Overall light output I expect to be similar as with two LEDs, just one is doing all the work, at a current level where it’s probably happier.

Edit: you may have stumbled on a quick fix for those with LED problems, just remove one :wink:

despite BG saying 10/10 for restocking
I just got notice my 2nd Q8 has shipped?
it was ordered 9/26

someone stayed in the shop?


YT tracking numbers are for Yun Express. From what I can understand after a translation, it looks like packages are not going anywhere until the 5th.


“September 30 received the goods will be arranged in the October 4 port.”

Order has been shipped!

Order date September 26.

Zozz, my M6 triple SST-40 has a large Omten switch for lockout and is pulling 28.74A across the switch.

Not the first time I’ve had in excess of 20A, even through the small Omten switch.

I got notification this evening that my third Q8 shipped, ordered on the 26th. So they must be nearing completion. :wink:

Yes, remember when it was said that all lights are being shipped from TF to BG because BG’s staff is working over the holidays?

Plus the Miller has stated many times the 10/10 date was not accurate, it was just a stock answer.

I was grilling while dark the other night, and instead of turning on the yard lights I thought why not grab the Q8 instead?

There ya go! A true dedicated flashaholic! Well done! (or med well, taste dependent) :wink:

DDRB |= (1 << PB4);
PORTB |= (1 << PB4);

Got notification that my 2 Q8’s ordered on 9/7 shipped today. Better late than never I guess.

Ordered 9/07, shipped 9/29.

Anyone know a diffuser that fits the Q8?

It was chicken, so definitely well-done.

Yes Banggood has somebody working through the holiday (probably not just for the Q8 :slight_smile: )

When I receive PMs asking for codes or something I refer to 4D M4X for code and Lexel for driver.

http://budgetlightforum.com/user/16371 cool!(of hot of course, one wants those chickens well done :slight_smile: )

Added this to top OP;
Modding thread: Q8 modding
Groupbuy is closed now, so no new codes are given out by me.
For codes to bring the price down, see M4D M4X: M4D M4X deals - Astrolux WP1 and WP2 LEP
For drivers that fit see Lexel: [Sold] 4. Batch "TA" Bistro/Bistro HD OTSM/Narsil drivers, 46mm for Q8 1S or 2S, Clicky or E-switch, SIR404

Ordered 3 total :wink:

1 arrived already flawless

2 are still en route:

ordered on 7 sept not here yet

last one ordered on 27 sept and shipped yesterday

Q8 from first batch arrived.

Clean , finish is great , works ok .
The indicator leds died on mine too : After i inserted the batteries and moved to turbo , when it got a little hot , i switched the light off and saw the indicator leds dimming until they no longer work .

Not a problem , since i would change resistor on them anyway … :smiley:

Really happy with the light , thanks once more Q8 team .

If this has been posted before, sorry, but here’s an image of the Q8 featured on the banggood home page:

Late to the order game but thanks god my code still worked. So guys, I am looking forward to get your monster creation and a huge thank flies out to the entire team who were restless enough to make this happen. BLF roxx because of YOU!