You are not alone, I had to search “french press” with Google … and it was the coffee again. :slight_smile:

It is to burr grind alu-arabica which increases the Q8 runtime a lot :smiley:
But it is true, coffee comes up in the “what are you drinking topic” a lot as well so maybe better if somebody makes a new thread about it :wink:

There’s a fine thread about coffee already, you may have missed it ? :slight_smile:

Haha thanks, should have drunk more coffee today :wink:

Thank you for the recommendation & link. This is a neat looking grinder…… functional as well as decorative. I like it…… :slight_smile:

Has anyone had this problem? After ramping up or sometimes down when I click the light to go off it won’t go off. It will take multiple clicks sometimes. Is this the way it’s supposed to work or is there something wrong? It usually happens after the light has been on for a while.

Tight tolerances between click and what is registered as click hold

Question for the group - I see there is a 1/4” hole to screw something in on the side of my Q8. Is there an add-on that I can use to have a wrist strap with this? I’m too afraid of dropping it on a nighttime hike to carry it.

Just got these…work like charm

Excellent, thank you!

Should I click it quicker or slower?

Shorter :wink:

Streamer…. this looks real good. Are they made from Stainless, Alloy, or something else?
Thanks for sharing……. :+1:

They are made out of aluminum. So is the Q8’s threading insert. Aluminum will avoid possible stripping as stainless would be much harder than aluminum.

Thank you my friend……. :+1: … I just ordered some. :wink:

My Q8 (2nd batch) is basically perfect, but I might want to tweak my tube indexing so things line up just a bit better, but only if it’s easy to do. Any advise on how to do this, or should I just reign in my OCD? Btw, a big thanks to The Team for making this light possible. Very happy with it :+1:

G'Day fellow BLF'ers, &/or Q8 addicts,

I am having difficulty stepping through the different strobe/blinky modes/types (using ramping).

I can get to the 1st blinky, and with more difficulty to the second blinky mode/type, but no success when I then try to get to the other blinkies (3rd, 4th, 5th).

So I use from on/off: 2 clicks take me to max/turbo, then 2 clicks take me to 1st blinky, and then sometimes I can successfully get to 2nd blinky, but from

there very seldom can get to the other blinkies, as the single click turns it off.

From off/on, I suppose I can do 2 clicks, then 3 clicks to get to 2nd blinky,

& from off/on 2 clicks, then 4 clicks to get to 3rd blinky,

& from off/on 2 clicks, then 5 clicks to get to 4th blinky,

& from off/on 2 clicks, then 6 clicks to get to 5th blinky,

But I thought that once in blinkies I should be able to step through the 5 blinkies with single click (& step backwards with click-hold). But that doesn't seem to be the case. Or??

Any help Greatly Appreciated.

Best Regards,


Try this:

The key is not to stop at the first strobe. You’ll be stuck. So always try to go to the 2nd or higher blinky mode. Then you can press and hold to go down one level (which unlocks the level briefly) and you can then click back up the blinky levels.

You might want to wait a bit, or loosen/tighten the tube a few times first, or clean and re-lube the threads, because the indexing can change a little on its own. Mine stopped ~5 degrees short of alignment when it was new, but now it stops ~10 degrees beyond alignment. All I did was open/close it a few times to access the driver, then cleaned and re-lubed the threads.

After you’ve gotten it to a stable point though… indexing is easy. Just rub the tube against some fine sandpaper on a flat surface. It doesn’t take much, so it’s easy to go too far.

G'Day JasonWW,

What do you mean by: 'which unlocks the level briefly'

Thank you Very Much,
