Here is the place where you can ask/discuss all things related to ThorFire deals/products. All your comments/suggestions of ThorFire products are welcomed here.
I linked many friends to your Amazon stores and my friends in Europe mentioned the items are no longer available in some markets? Not sure if that was temporary or more of a strategic decision? I would like to know whether ThorFire pulled back a little on a few, select markets.
Many thanks for the high-quality products you keep delivering; Thorfire lights are among the best lights I own.
Are you interested in more custom flashlights in collaboration with BLF?
It’s temporary case and we are trying best to solve the issue now.
We certainly would like to keep the cooperative relationship with BLF in the future.
I’ve got a PF04, VG10, VG15 and a couple of C8s that you sell and they’re all decent lights. If anyone asks for a great AND cheap light I’ll certainly point them your way.
Keep the great products coming. Maybe make something with a big throw for your next light
Keep an eye on the ThorFire threads, I normally check if a product can be shipped to Aus and announce if so, or remind TF that international shipping would be nice.
First the light-only was available, then only the kit (light+charger+battery), now nothing.
I have to say, the VG10 is the one and only light I’ve ever gotten which didn’t piss me off in at least some way. It has everything I’ve been looking for: forward-clicky switch, firefly/low/medium/high and in that order, NO BLINKIES (not even hidden!), and other than the LED color (cool-white vs neutral), it’s pretty much my perfect light so far! It’s even displaced my Convoy S2+ as my bag-carry light.
Bring back the VG10!!
I made the mistake of buy-to-try first, and the discount code did not work a second time. And I’m kicking myself that I didn’t get more ’10s when I had the chance.
+1 on the c8s xplHI version. The greatest advantage that your c8s has over other c8’s is your tail cap. But since the convoy xplHI c8 has double the lux and similar lumens as your xml2 c8s, I just take the tail cap from your c8s and transfer over to convoy c8 since it’s interchangeable. And I end up selling the c8s with the convoy tailcap.
Also nice if you guys added 12 chips as an option.
Yeah, we will think about having a C8S XPIHI version on market in the near future. Also thanks very much for your comments. We are always there listening…