I am a big fan of Ray Peat at www.raypeat.com and his recommendations on diet and health. After converting all my lights to LED, I am going back to using some incandescent lights. I've read about how we lack vltamin D (a leading cause of serious symptoms of coronavirus) and how we can can get it from red light in incandescent lights. You can just take it in dietary form as well but just for context 10 minutes in the sun generates 10,000IU of vitamin D. It also inproves skin quality, reduction in pain and inflammation as well as faster healing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3926176/ this site has a lot more info http://valtsus.blogspot.com/2017/05/the-therapeutic-effects-of-red-and-near.html but it is mostly dealing with LEDs and lasers, which is why I am posting it here, I thought flashlight experts might be interested in it! I remember liking the old bulbs and enjoying their light the most, then CFLs were cheaper to run and better for the environment but looked really ugly and gave me a headache (and I didn't know why, it was probably because they were cool blue and the spectrum made me sick), and now I switch to LEDs, but in the search for efficiency, other benefits are lost from the perfect black body. If there is any technology that is developing to make a better home light with good wavelengths in red, NIR, orange like https://redlightman.com/product/red-light-device-mini/ or some suggestions for a DIY, please let me know! I remember reading here nichia had lights that did not emmit any blue or UV light for museums, but I don't think it had very high lumens, would that be useful in this case?
I am interested in what everyone thinks of lights for our health. It would be really cool to have a light as a mule or a triple for health reasons, another reason to have/build another flashlight haha. So far I found some old new bulbs but they are frosted and not 130v so not optimal.
I heard about him on recommendations for lights in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMwYafVYjtU then I went to this site https://www.selftestable.com/ and this forum https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/what-to-look-for-when-buying-incandescent-bulbs.21670/ https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/into-the-light-incandescent-bulb-experience.2276/ https://raypeatforum.com/community/threads/what-red-light-to-get-help-appreciated.19316/page-2 to read about models to buy,. This is a UK centered link but its pretty old. https://old.reddit.com/r/raypeat/comments/4f4dnb/uk_people_sources_of_things_to_experiment_with/ in regards to incandescents. His talks are facinating and I have used a lot of his tips to help myself, such as avoiding seed oils. I can talk about that but I would love to hear about what people think about red light therapy!