The Victor Enthusiast is the longest throwing LED flashlight in the world. It builds on the legendary DEFT-X platform with several enhancements that allow this light to have searing performance. This is a hyper light with every aspect taken to the current limits of technology. Improvements in the Enthusiast model are a new super high conductivity copper LED base with the LED mounting plate directly soldered, tripple binned LEDs, heavy gauge wires, top binned lenses, and a boosted driver. Performance now reaches an unbelievable 1.3 million candela typical.
Ahhh, I wouldn't be jumping all over this guy. he is a BLF member, not active now, and I can be 99.9% certain he knows more about thermal management in LED flashlights than any regular around here on BLF. If anyone can get even close to what he's achieved in this light, speak up, because I haven't seen or heard of it. I can guarantee there will be BLF members buying this light, well maybe 1 or 2 (). We struggle to get 400 kcd or in some cases, 700-800 kcd, but no one comes close to his #'s is a package this size, period, and certainly not in a package that can be reproduced and sold in even limited quantity.
He did the same thing with a reflector based TN31, dedomed XP-G early on, and then the revolution of LED based throwers began.
There's a bunch of tech that went into this thing - I only know because I've read his posts, and read up on his work. If you ask nice, he just might tell you a little about it, and we all can learn something.
This is like dejavu all over again (https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/27218) He hasn't been on BLF for like 1 1/2 years, but honestly, I can't blame him for how he gets treated here. No one is saying you have to buy his lights, but there are things to learn.
I have one of his 1,035kcd Deft X (based on a K40) lights and you’ve got to compare it side-by-side, in action, to my other ‘modded’ lights, to really appreciate his work.
Michael Johnson is no Johnny-come-lately to the modding world, nor is he claiming exaggerated Heider-spec lights.
If he values his work that much and some of us can’t of course easily afford it, why can’t you let it slide, and look for something else.
Let’s be more respectful of another man’s work.
A man cannot expect to be respected if he does not behave or talk in a respectable manner himself.
I have to admit I’m not into super throwers. So I don’t know how his light compares to others out there. Still $1000 just feels excessive for any pocket flashlight.
Just a little more info on this beast, 1300 kcd is 2280 meters, and the light gets 2 hrs of runtime on hi, in a K40 size light, though it looks like the bezel has been slightly extended. The dedomed XP-G2 S4 is driven no more than 5A, probably in the 4-4.5A range.
The REV Victor is 1050 kcd for a range of 2049 meters. It has a runtime of 2.5-3 hrs. I'm guessing the de-domed XP-G2 S4 is this model is driven no more than 3.5A, probably close to 3A.
The patented waiven collar/technology is used in these lights under license. I think the Deft-X was the first model using this technology.
1300 kcd in a K40 host: $1000
1050 kcd in a K40 host: $800
~1000 kcd in a TM36 host: $600 (TM36vnM - by vinh on CPF, but limited run, not sure of availability)