[Review] Hiram Aurora is a nice, but flawed, zoomie

Can you tell us a little more about Topaz Gigapixel AI.

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That’s great news!
I have a couple of S4+ chargers, and that’s what I use to charge cells.
By the way, I tried to use a regular 21700 cell in the Hiram Aurora, and the flashlight would not turn on, but if I can charge the proprietary cell in my charger, that’s an unexpected bonus. :+1:

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It’s a program that can increase the image quality of many images.
It doesn’t work well with every image, but it works really well with most of them.
The program is quite expensive (unless you’re a pirate, but I can’t go into details on that front. :pirate_flag:)
You might need a reasonably powerful Windows PC to use the program (My Windows PC is quite powerful.)
When trying to increase the image quality, there are a number of AI models to choose from.
You can choose from:

Art & CG
Low Res
Very Compressed

Each AI model works differently.
I usually use Standard or Art & CG.
Those two AI models usually output the best images in my experience.
There’s also a number of other settings that you can tweak, but I just use the defaults.
I mostly use the program for reviews that I write, and for avatars and signatures on different forums.
You can use the program to upscale images.
If the original image is 500 by 500 pixels, you could upscale it to 1000 by 1000 pixels (or any other size you want with the same aspect ratio as the source), and the larger image will frequently look much better than the source image.

There’s also a similar program called Topaz Video AI.
It’s used to upscale videos.
You need a very powerful Windows PC for that program, and it uses a massive amount of hard drive space (if used optimally), and it works very slowly, but you can improve the video quality of most videos with that program. :sunglasses:

1 Thank

Impressive! Thanks for the very detailed write-up!
I may have to look for a trial version or something to see if it’s worth.

Is this a reference to another product? Is this Aurora a clone?

When I saw this was being offered with an sft70 I thought no way. That’s an emitter that’s only half decent when pushed right to the limit, and I didn’t think the boost driver in this light was up to the task

How green is it? How hard is it driving the emitter? Tailcap amps?

I made an attempt at checking tail cap amps. I can get no reading. I am sure it is due to the non-standard design.
Frankly, it is not worth any more effort on this one.
Light is not green. The center mid-zoom is more a cream with yellow tinge. There is a bit of a green fringe on the outside of the beam. But I think that might actually be a chromatic aberration of the lens.

Oh ya aspheric lens do make some weird colors around the edges sometimes huh.

Below like 10 watts the sft70 is terrible green. You’d definitely see it. But it gets better the higher you go. Kinda like most Luminus emitters I suppose. So that’s good, it’s at least over an amp or two. The sft70 actually has a really nice tint at high currents. Still seems like an odd choice for a zoomie though.

Did you actually pay $18? Cuz I’d take that deal. An sft70 is $10 by itself.

Yeah, I got it for the $18 price. I am sure it is at least a couple of amps. Likely considerably more. It gets hot real fast at the highest level, even though I can’t see how heat transfer would be very good. So I think they are driving it pretty hard.

This thread says how to get it for $18, but you do need Amazon Prime to get the deal.

Well you can’t go wrong there. You break even on the emitter plus like one other thing. Weird they wouldn’t cover the usb port, that seems like an oversight. On one hand, if I was gonna play devils advocate, I’d say phones don’t have a covered usb c port and they still get IP68 ratings, but lets be real, flashlights aren’t made like a $1000 phone. Youd want that covered. Especially with a battery that some people might only be able to charge in the flashlight. Do they even sell a replacement battery? Idk. Weird choice.

The temperature would worry me the most though. I would think the stepdown on that would be like under 60 seconds. Plus don’t zoomies get hotter faster?

I still commend them for using a real emitter and not some fake cree xhp9000 like every other zoomie on amazon lol

Id get it just for parts at $18 but it’s not on the Canadian amazon. Man, canadian amazon sucks for flashlights. Check this out. This is the 2nd best selling flashlight on Canadian amazon right now.

No seriously

Wow, that red flashlight is real vintage eye candy :wink: