That’s what higher voltage gets you. Smaller parts/wires, etc…

If it were 40w at 5 volts it would be way bigger.

Well yes, sure, but still.

If we buy it, should we drop out this charger,and is there a suggestion for a good alternative?

Huh? This charger is the best in the world, there is nothing better.

If you buy one of these lights, try out the charger. I’m sure it’s fine. Probably better than the flashlight.

I think it should be fine so long as the material used is average.

As for size. Well look at the small size of ur cellphone charger and some are capable of more then 25 watts. Not to mention the new slim laptop usb type c 65watt chargers.

Probably not the best charger in thebworld though jason :blush:

Driver Ur question did make me think of one myself. What sort of batteries are they using in the 4s2p configuration and i think usualy for most of the lipo batteries they suggest a charge speed of .5amps.
I know they have to give a faster charger for shorter charging times of 6 to 8 hours but if we want can we use an even slower charger?
I for one will have a day or 2 of free time before using the torch weekly so i dont mind the extra charge time if it prolongs battery life. Ideas?

Imalent uses Samsung 30Q then adds their own protection circuits. I don’t think anyone has taken this battery pack apart, but they use their own cells a lot and they are a great fit for this light.

I was wondering whether they are using their own protected 30Q, or perhaps just the bare 30Q. Do you have an idea what makes sense?

Oh, your thinking like the battery packs in cordless drills where they group a bunch of unprotected cells together?

I think they do that to save money. If you can use protection circuitry on each cell you end up with a safer battery pack.

We probably won’t know for sure until someone takes the back apart and looks. Or Imalent tells us.

I still don’t know what heatsink design they used inside. There’s a lot of mysteries with this light.

With 4S2P configuration you have a different max charging voltage, and minimum low voltage protection value anyway. Of course to use eight protected cells increases safety, but technically it’s redundant. And Imalent is not exactly known to use top notch components…
In the meantime I’m more excited about the MF01. :smiley:

Their batteries are known to be top notch, at least. These protected 30Q can do 15 amps. That’s impressive.

Well, whoever they got their battery protection circuits from did a good job. Plus Samsung did a good job making the 30Q cells.

Okay, so maybe Imalent didn’t have much to do in making these cells, but it’s got their name on it and they work really well! Lol

This is definitely a pleasant surprise alright. Some time ago I asked HKJ to test this battery, as well as the 26650 battery. I mean, with discount code it’s like less than $8. That’s a bargain.
I actually thought about getting some for my non Imalent lights…

I haven’t seen any serious reviews of those cells, just regular folk who have tested them out and said they do an actual 15 amp. Sooo, I assume they measure properly?

I’ve only heard good things about them.

All I know is that protected GAs can handle about 7 or 8 amps, and the DT70 pushes about 14000 lumens or so from four XHP70s. So it should be about 10A each. Don’t know much about electronics, but I believe the new generation PCB that can handle about 15A also has a lot less voltage sag. So I’m really eager to see HKJ’s results.

I would expect each individual cell in the pack to be unprotected.
The protection for each cell would be in the BMS board. I would expect the battery to be built like a drill pack.

Hold on there. You have to be more specific about protected cells. You have to state who assembled the cells.

I’ve got a protected 3500mah GA from KeepPower that is rated at 8 amps through the protection circuit.

Liionwholesale has the same cell but their protection circuit is rated at 12-13 amps.

Then you might have companies that add a cheaper protection circuit to the same cell and may only get 4 amps out of it.

So you have to be careful about protection circuits and who added them.

Could be. I wonder who has the balls to be first to cut open the battery pack and find out.

I don’t think they currently offer the battery pack for sale. So if you cut it open, you may be stuck with a light you can’t use until you can get a replacement battery pack.

Yes you are correct. Totally forgot about Liionwholesale using the new PCB. I was thinking about Keeppower, Enerpower, and another one on Aliexpress.

How does it produce 800m of throw?
The DT70 seems to have a much deeper reflector+ dedomed leds and is rated for 700m.

…but half the lumens…

My Courui with 800 lumens out throws the 5600 lumens of the Q8 easy. That is 6 times as much.