Review of the Night Evolution 2 Mode LED Wristlight Black From Airsoftpeak $49.99 suggested price
$6 USD off coupon code 13228
My review?
It's different. It's neat. It's unique. I love it.
It is an all plastic body and plastic lens. The lens produces a round spot beam. The led is probably a 3 watt and it is blue/white. Too high in the color range, but that produces the appearance of more light. 130 lumens is probably about right. It has High, Low and Strobe. The switches are momentary. The band is some type of nylon, seen on many types of bands. It comes with the micro USB charger and cord.
Not much more to say. I can see it for use in walking, or in a place where there are no lights and you need to do some close up work. I would consider it plenty of light for walking down a sidewalk, but not for walking in the woods. It's just different and surprisingly well made, but when I say well made, it's still plastic, so take that into account. Having the light on my wrist just feels right, like it should be there and like I will find uses for it. Common sense would tell me I won't wear it much, but the novelty of it wants me to try it out all over.
I think it needs to be discounted to about half the cost. The price is way too high for what it is and what it is made of.
Of course, I had to mod it. Couldn't let it stay stock.
So, I removed four allen head screws on the underside and took the housing apart. You can see the battery and circuit board behind it.
Two momentary switches, the led wires and the battery wires. The circuit board is held in with two phillips screws.
The led is on a 16mm star and the housing is aluminum. I was surprised at that.
You can see the led housing. It's not thick, but it is aluminum all the same.
The board.
The battery.
The plastic lens.
The led. The star had thermal glue behind it.
So I put a Nichia 219 on a Noctigon and put it in the aluminum base.
I had a 12mm TIR optic from when I played with Solitaire Mags, so I used it, since it fit great in the lens holder.
Wired back up, same wires, just replaced the solder with 60/40.
I had to add an O ring under the lens holder, to fill in the gap, but it sealed off well.
It works! and I decided to charge it before using it very long. Took about an hour to tear down, mod and reassemble this light.
Beam Shot BEFORE
Beam shot AFTER. Yes, it's not as bright, but it does have a better color tint. I think the Nichia's higher Vf keeps it from being as bright as the original led. Just my thought, not based on fact. I did not do any resistor mods. I just wanted a better color rendition.
That's it.
Thanks to Airsoftpeak for sending me the light for review.
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