Review: Solarforce Z2 (more like mini-review/rant)

Have been obsessing over AA/AAA lights for a couple of months. Picked up a Fenix E12 (LOVE it,) an Olight S15 (LOVE it,) and a Thrunite T10S (LOVELOVELOVE it) among others. The Solarforce Z2 seemed interesting so I ordered one and was VERY surprised at how quickly it arrived.

Unfortunately I was also VERY surprised at the quality/performance of the light.

It arrived in the typical bubble pack, and the retail packaging (much nicer than the normal white box) was in pretty good shape.

The light though….the light was….terrible. I feel like I got an abused return. Chips, dings and scrapes all over. Nothing was tight. No lube. Dirty everywhere. Dirty emitter, dirty threads, dirty lens. I can’t believe this light was shipped.

Extremely disappointed in my first Solarforce experience. Seems as though everyone lauds Solarforce quality, and while there are threads about miscellaneous problems (mismatched anodizing etc…) the company seems to have a very loyal following.

I’d have loved to have done a full review, but I can’t really judge output or beamshots because….well look at the emitter photos below. GRRRRR.

So have I gotten the wrong idea about Solarforce? I knew they weren’t in the same realm as some of the high $$$ companies, but I got the impression they were definitely at the top of the budget foodchain.

Some pics below.

Anyone know who I can contact in Customer Support? Just send an email to the generic CS address?

Incredibly quick shipping.
AR coated lens

Everything else.

BIG ding / flaw in anodizing Below: Lots of little chips and scrapes all over the light. No way this is HA III (as etched on the body.) Below: ZERO lube on threads, and unsuprisingly, loads of aluminum shavings in brass threads. And this is after wiping it down twice. Seriously? Can’t believe this light went out. Better QC in some sub \$3 DealExtreme lights I have… Below: Weirdly off-center/lopsided clicky boot. The whole button assembly looks to be pressed in from the end? If so, my example is didn’t get evenly pressed. Or something. Below: Looks to be AR coated? Hooray! Below: But then I see the emitter. Unbelievable. Unacceptable.

So there you have it. My first BLF review. Bleah.

I promise to do more on the lights that I love. :slight_smile:


That is terrible experience! They should not be there, but I would get over the dents and scratches (they would appear in use anyway), but that emitter is directly degrading the performance and not easy cleaned.

I hope that you can find customer service for a replacement.

the pictures won’t show up :quest:

Imgur is better for posting pictures to discussion forums as it can handle tons of bandwidth, and you can do it without an account. The only problem of doing it without an account is that pictures are automatically deleted if they're not viewed at least once every six months.

Yeah, IMGUR or TINYPIC …forget photobucket. I cant see your pics except in thumbnail form. The pics themselves show as bandwidth exceeded.

Sorry about your SF experience, the real test of SolarForce will be how they handle for it you. i would just email them directly from the site contact page. Im not sure if they have a direct presence here.

Damn ninjas

Thanks all - Pics should be back up. Problem with Photobucket billing.

Where did you buy it? Is it a Z2 directly bought from solarforce-Sale?

what's wrong with the LED?

except for some dust on the dome.

I ordered a black Z2 about a week ago, I hope it doesn’t arrive in the same condition.

I’m sure Solar Force will sort it out for you without any drama though.

I wouldn’t be too happy with the foggy/scratched emitter either, haha.

But I’m sure SF-sales will deal with it without a hassle.

I like the Z2 as a beater carry light. Granted yours seems to be a reject that got sent out. At the same time I had no expectations of it being the same quality as my Sunwaymans or olights but rather a cheap decent light for working purposes. Not saying I would not have same feelings as you about the product you got just not holding it to same standards as pricier lights.

I have several Solarforce lights and they are all very high quality. The one you were sent is in sorry shape. I’m sure that they will send you a new one. Don’t be surprised if they also offer to sell you that light at a big discount - cheaper for them than having it shipped back. They sent me the wrong light on my first order, and when I contacted them, they offered to send the correct light and I could either return the first light, or I could buy it at a big discount. Because I was already impressed with the quality, I ended up just buying it and I really like it. Of course, it wasn’t all beat up and dirty like yours.

Yes direct from

Some dust on the dome?? I know my pics aren’t great, but maybe75%? of the dome is crud obscured. I tried to blow, then wipe the dome, and that stuff doesn’t come off. I’m not going to scrape at it or use alcohol/whatever cleaning agent and risk damage to the dome or the emitter or the traces until I hear from CS.

That LED is worse than second hand.

if you get to keep it, might as well learn to dedome (unless you already can).

Wow! One more example of why I'm not a Solarforce fanboy. That's a damned shame. I hope they make it right for you.

That seems very odd. I have ordered 3 lights from solarforce in recent months including a Z1 and all arrived pristine. Yours looks like a demo light or a return maybe. I hope they make it right for you.

Never dealt with Solarforce C.S.

I've heard in the past they are a bit clueless .

but you never know ..

the upside is these places go from good to bad as well as bad to good pretty quickly

hope they fix it for you

that looks like a return /used /abused light

Contact Jo on the Solarforce Sales Team, I’ve never had a problem with a Solarforce product and I have enough to put together around 10 various L2’s. When I have contacted Jo about out of stock and no longer produced items I was offered items from his/her own collection.
email is -
I have no doubt that they will sort you out to your satisfaction, and as you say shipping times from them are very quick.

please let us know how you get on with solarforce customer service.

i wouldn’t mind picking up a Solarforce Z2 but not till i see how they resolve this problem.