I’m a bit puzzled here. The light drops down to 2000 lumens after 30 minutes, even though this light has got huge heat sinking. Olight X7/Thrunite TN36-UT can produce 4000+ lumens continuously with much less mass…
Well the Mt07 does about 4800lm for 7 minutes and drops to a little over 2k lm.
The X7 does about 5500lm for about 10 minutes before dropping to a little under 2k lm due to thermal regulation.
Ambient temps and general settings can be a factor. I suspect the MT07 is a fair bit cooler at the time of the drop and the drop itself may be timed.
The test were done cooled. However, without cooling the X7 does indeed stablise at 2000+ lumens. Although the efficacy of three XHP70 at 2000+ lumens is better than a single XHP, the MT07 does have so much more mass and surface area than the X7/TN36-UT
True. But does it make sense to have a timed drop to ~2000 lumens? Indeed ambient temperature does make a lot of difference…
Edit: ok, another question related to this. According to Haikelite, this light has got “timed thermal” regulation. What is this? If a light is regulated by temperature, what do you need the timed regulation for?
I interpret “timed thermal” regulation as just a timed output drop. It probably does not have a temperature sensor. The driver is not as fancy as the X7. I don’t see this as such a big issue. In most use situations you can just pop it back into turbo mode if you want.
This light is very different from an Olight X7 in many ways - thrower vs. flooder, more efficiency from 3 XHP70's vs. one, etc. The X7 is comparable to the MT03 which is a smaller in size and weight from the MT07.
Checking my notes, there is a 4S variation of the MT07 - the one reviewed is 2S2P. I opted to review the 2S2P version. The 4S version is said to have full current regulation, shorter run times, and recommended to use protected batteries.
Also found in my notes this from HaikeLite:
Timed Thermal step-down On turbo mode the light will detect the temperature after 5 minutes, when the temp is higher than 55 degree after 5 minute, it will step down to high. If the temp is not over 55 degree after 5 minutes, it will stay on Turbo without step-down.
So, I'll try to confirm it this evening. This explains why it lowered at 7 minutes, I had no extra cooling - fan or otherwise during the testing. Basically, if it steps down after 5 minutes, you can switch back to turbo and get another 5 minutes of turbo level output.
Alright let me explain. Yes the X7/TN36-UT are different beasts. The reason I brought these lights up was of the much higher output it can sustain when cooled (I interpret this as just walking outside), although the amount of mass/heat sinking is much less. Yes, efficacy difference is present. How much I don’t know; not calculated… But initially, it seems (no proof here) that the step down to 2000+ lumens for the MT07 is drastic.
So the MT07 seems to be checking temperature after 5 minutes. The sensor for the temperature is not part of a feedback control system; the light just reduces to 2000+ lumens if the temperature exceeds a certain fixed (55 degrees) value. Two scenarios for simplification:
1) You’re walking outside with this light, meaning heat transfer via hands and via air due to light breeze ==> cooling
2) Light is being used as a lantern inside / runtime test without cooling ==> no cooling
The manufacturer, in this case Haikelite, is not able to know the scenario, as the light is not using the temperature sensor in a feedback controlled system. Therefore the manufacturer must assume the worst case to prevent over heating of the light; meaning there is no cooling. This means that output must be reduced as if there is no cooling even though in reality there might be cooling. An output of 2000+ lumens is the outcome. It is possible that with a feedback control thermal regulation, the MT07 is capable of an output of 4500 lumens (example) while keeping temperature constant. The MT07 has got more heat sinking (I think)than the single XHP70 competitors, like the L6 and K60, but is not able to exploit this to the fullest due to a semi rigid control system, i.e. fixed time with fixed temperature (if this is true). Of course you can switch off and on, but either temperature will exceed 55 degrees (which you don’t want), or it steps down dramatically… With a feedback control thermal regulation, you can truly benefit the massiveness of the MT07.
For the record, I have absolutely no criticism of the MT07 or Haikelite, not to mention that the price is amazing IMHO. This is just food for thought.
Oh nice I did not know there was a 4S version as well. Very interesting. I look forward to seeing what you find out. It sounds like the 4S might be more my kind of light though.
Ohh - I knew it, than forgot it... Now that I see the run time with the dropping output, I'd probably be more interested in the 4S version as well, with current regulation. I guess my thinking though was for modding, and I'd rather mod a 2S2P XHP70 light rather than a 4S light.
I do wonder what the runtime curve of the 4S will be like. Theoretically it can give a flat output, but your’re still stuck with the thermal regulation if it is the same as this 2S2P variant (at least they way we think it is). Meaning, you will have flat output of 5000 lumens, but after 5 minutes, temperature is checked, and if temperature of 55 degrees is exceeded, then output drops to flat, constant 2000+ lumens. So overall, performance will be similar with a 4S variant compared to the current 2S2P variant. Of course, it may have a different timed/temperature control as well resulting in a different runtime curve… Who knows…
Nah, my guess is that the thermal regulation of both 2S2P and 4S are more sophisticated than what we’ve seen so far. With cooling, you probable get something between 2000 and 5000 lumens.
Here's thermal test results I just ran. From being cold, it took 6 mins, 26 secs to step down. Pass #2 was run immediately following Pass #1, so the temperature remained fairly high. It stepped down at exactly 5 mins, but got 12C higher on the outside. Temperature readings were measured with an IR thermometer.
After it stepped down, mode change cycled to the 1st mode, so it appeared to think it was still on turbo mode.
I would say it worked as described - minimum of 5 minutes on turbo, then over temperature causes a step down.
Note: the lux value is what's read off the lux meter, and a conversion factor of 0.34 is applied (this is the calibrated value I use for the PVC light box).
Looks very promising.This is what a xhp70 single led thrower should be(4x18650 compact design, deep reflector and fully powered ) which really defeats the need for multi led alternatives whom had higher led light efficiency that is wiped out by reflector light losses from smaller reflectors yet retains increased complexity cost from manufacturing. My only complaint is the tail cap design which seems to be jutting out and looks kinda weird.
Both of the 2S2P and 4S1P configurations should offer the same runtime. You get lower overall capacity with 4S1P but the current draw from each battery is lower than the 2S2P configuration and it can also offer the flat output although with 4S1P there is a higher chance to go “Note 7” if the batteries voltage are not balance lol.
Mine came in today, and I’ve just barely started using it. The ergonomics feels weird. I’d like it if the handle were half an inch longer, and if the step to the head were smaller or progressive. It’s okay once it’s fully gripped, but getting there doesn’t quite feel right. I love the output. Until I point it at something far away, I wouldn’t think of the light as a thrower. The moonlight is good enough. The packaging isn’t fancy at all. When you buy this light, you’re buying the light. Forget about a flashy Apple-esque unboxing. That’s not a problem for me, but for those that have issues with it, they can mod a Convoy or spend about twice as much or more on something else. The UI is intuitive for me. I played around with it and quickly figured out how to access everything but strobe and instant turbo. I think I’m their first actual full price customer, and I’d buy it again.
That is why I’m not interested. The lux figures aren’t in the realm of real throw as far as I’m concerned.
You may get lumens, but if they don’t go down range from a ‘thrower’ - what is the point? May as well buy an L6 for less cash, or other high lumen monster.