Ok so my last review was the Meteor, so I decided to scale it back in terms of expensiveness. Ok, Thorfire just offered to have me review something of theirs. So I reviewed their LED rechargeable lantern and used it as an excuse to make a short horror movie. It’s short, and this time there is music… Anyway enjoy the chainsaw.
Good review, funny video, great job.
Howdy. I think you are getting much better with each review. All things considered, I think this may have been your best review to date. I’m not talking about the light, but about the viewability and sound of the video itself. Well done!
It took me several hours to film. I did use supplemental lighting… so sorry the lantern isn’t quite lighting the frame all by itself. Also I bought an external monitor so I could frame and focus all the scenes much better. I like it a lot myself. Plus it’s super short… which I think plays better. Thanks! By the way I filmed this on Sunday in the middle of the day in the shed without air with the temp in the low 90’s… it was miserable- especially with the tungsten lights burning.
Nice video. The only place I found this lamp for sale was on amazon. No gearbest, no banggood. Figured they would carry it also.
Yeah this lantern seems fairly new… As far as I know it’s only available on Amazon.
Well done !! Timelaps runtimes are a nice touch.
At some point in the future would love to read about all the gear you use for these videos. It would make a nice topic.
Good quality. What kind of camera/software did you use? I really like the picture quality.
Congratulations, and Thank you Very Much for your Best video review yet.
Looking forward to your next entertaining video review.
Best Regards,
great video
Nice review & video! :crown:
Thanks! The good thing is that it shows you that the lithium batteries are definitely the way to run it. By the way I used Sanyo 18650UF 2600 mah batteries.
I used a Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera. I edit and Final Cut Pro and use Apple color to match the shots, adjust the brightness, color, and contrast afterward. Sometimes I shoot with two different cameras so Apple software helps to match them.
I use an old mackie mixing board with a USB interface and shure podium mic that my work was throwing out for voiceovers. And the chainsaw was obviously electric, with some youtube sound effects, and quick cuts to hide the fact. You gotta use what you have!
Good video. The timelapse filming of the light runtimes are brilliant, and say so much more than words.It can only be a matter of time before your first flashlight movie
Ok, this is all the encouragement I need. My next flashlight video will be at least an hour long.
Anyway, I’m glad the time lapse runtimes are useful. I alternate between time lapse and regular full frame video runtimes… I make that decision based upon how long it’s supposed to run. Anything over 2 hours, and I’ll do a time lapse. I do like giving my camera a break though, and don’t usually test anything longer than 12-15 hours. I figure giving the viewers 2 or three runtime videos will give them a good idea on how the light performs. This is pretty useful for a lantern… because this is often how you use it. By the way the low mode uses PWM in case no one noticed it in the video. If the other modes used it, my eyes and camera did not detect it.
Hahahah nice! Great video concept on the review!
Yep, your video reviews just took another step up!
Love it
The things we do for our art.
and if you ca make that light look good, wow, and fun also.
your silent fan club!
Great video! ...and of a decent looking lantern for a change, well done Thorfire!
Ain’t that the truth! It’s a decent lantern though- great for tent camping and compact. They asked me to pick a product… and that looked like something that interested me. Plus it gave me the idea for the video, which was the main thing. Also I was able to find a use for that ugly thrift store sweater I was compelled to buy.
Hey, brilliant job! I enjoyed the narration and mood, background music was nice too! As always, great video and sound quality. I always look forward your video reviews and hope you make many more.
I loved the timelapse shots, very useful.
The lantern itself is nice too and I’m glad Thorfire sent a sample to you because I didn’t know it and will definitely check for a couple for emergency stash.
Thank you for your continued effort!