I am looking for recommendations on a light to put on my AR15. It is going onto my patrol rifle so it needs to be reliable and not eat batteries too quickly. I need a decent ammount of throw to illuminate targets at 100 yards and a decent amount of spill to light up a room during a search. the light obviously needs to be able to withstand the recoil of the rifle. Also not too long. I need a momentary on/off switch tail cap or remote switch. All this in a unit with a 1 inch diameter.
A few questions. First, what batteries? Do you want to use rechargeable 18650s for stick to CR123A or what? Second, modes. What modes do you want? Single mode would probably be best since the recoil may break contact temporarily. Lastly, what is the max length?
On my 7.62 I use a P-60 type light Solarforce is nice with an XRE and an aspherical lens, but this is a coyote gun and I need to see 300 yards out through a scope in pitch black it virtually has no spill. So an XML drop in would be better suited for your needs.
On my .223 I use a TIR lens it’s a modified LED Lenser with an upgraded direct drive XRE R2 and it’s potted. I get 100 yards with decent spill.
Something like a 501A is super light weight with a single mode XML drop in this would be a cheap and reliable option.
An offset mount can come in handy also depending on the application this one has a quick release with an 900 lumen XML and 900 lumen blinding strobe also great spill and good for a solid 100yards.
All of these setups can be retrofitted with a remote switch
All those configurations are dangerous. With your set ups, you must point a deadly weapon in battery to illuminate an unknown, shadowy person. Under stressful conditions, this is a very bad configuration that can lead to regrettable error. Additionally, the bright beam from on your weapon destroys your site picture and any chance of accurate aim.
Since when do you aim the weapon directly at a target you are attempting to identify? I have never used a 900 lumen weapon light and I image it is on the verge of being, if it is not, too bright for indoor use and may blind the operator as well, but we routinely use weapon lights on long guns as well as handguns in stressful situations…with no accidental discharges. We have AD’s in other situations, but almost never on target identification and those errors were not cased by blindness. Clearing buildings with a TLR-1, for example, rarely requires the handgun to be raised past low or, even rarely, high ready. Back on subject with high intensity lights, is this not why we have flip open diffusers for close in use? I may be wrong, I have very limited government knowledge of lights and have only used Maglights, Pelican 7060, LED Stingers, and TRL1’s, so I do not know what will happen with an brighter lights.
apart from their prices ;) how would you like stuff from powertac or eagletac? like olight they offer specialized gun lights with diffusers, rail mount, remote switch, LED modules (incl UV and IR light), red LED's, color filters and other pertinent accessories
Lucky: I believe you may have misinterpreted my post. What I stated was that with a light mounted on a weapon, to use the light to identify a possible intruder or assailant, one must point the charged weapon at the shadowy figure.
Putting in my 2 cents worth, I’ve mounted a few lights to weapons. I hate pressure pads especially on lights drawing more than 1 amp, very short life. Good springs on both ends of the battery to stop battery impact on the electronics. I perfer a 45 degree off set mount on a quad rail near a forward pistol grip, it puts the tail switch near the thumb. A well centered light puts the sights in the middle of the hotspot this really helps quick sight use. Lights mounted low or on the bottom of the rails keep glare out of your face. SolarForce host fits all 1” rings. I also like very bright single mode dropins, like 2 amp xm-l’s. Never had a too bright light problem running solo, but must have a bit of discipline with multiple operators. Do beware of windows and mirrors a slightly depressed muzzle keeps direct reflection off the eyes. For me I recommend the SolarForce L2 a SolarForce 2 amps 1 mode xm-l dropin with no pressure pad switch.
I don’t like ’em simply because there are electrical wires hanging about that can get snagged on anything and then get snapped. Then you got a dead light plus a loose cord dangling somewhere. Not good in a fire-fight.
Match: You must believe you are the absolute last word and feel you are qualified to judge other people.
Arrogance is truly a defect in personality and is usually the sign of a person uncertain of themselves.
Your post is offensive and spoken like a true windbag.
I’ve not had a pork pie in ages, sounds good. Maybe later on the ice cream, no lady in sight. I must say, this show is taking some time to start old chap!