ok, its 6.46am, I’ve been up since four, which means I overslept by an hour thanks to the kids nighttime antics. This was my view, half an hour into my small road trip.
I’m travelling from the best county in England, Lancashire, down to almost the most south Western point of England, a place called Red Ruth.
The total journey time without stops is 5.40hrs and 360 miles, I’m on my first rest stop, quick loo break and grab some more coffee before doing the next 180 miles.
I don’t expect to be home before seven tonight so do us a favour, post up something amusing or point out how daft I am to be doing this in one hit……
on the plus side, I might be doing this whole journey purely to change a mag valve coil, total job time is hoped to be less than two hours, we shall see.
They would lock you up and throw the key away where I am for that, nearly. Its rammed down our throat that 3 mph over the limit kills and give you a 3% leeway on your speed. You drive around here with your eyes on the speedo more than the road. Now I’ve said that drive safely. I hope you were stopped while browsing and replying on the web.
I had a toilet stop at just over 200 miles, I’m 139 miles from the job so a two hour rest from driving there and I’ll probably stop a couple of times on the way home due to the extended travel time (day time traffic compared to early morning traffic)
I just got back from 4 days of driving, yuck. Someone had given me a bottle of caffeine pills and that really did the trick. Highly recommended. Much better than those “5 hour with a bad taste in your mouth” drinks they sell at every gas station here. Black coffee + caffeine pills = you won’t blink for 10 hours.