SALE CLOSED: XP-G2 S3 1C and XP-G2 S3 3A on 16mm and 20mm Noctigon

4-21-15 No more orders can be placed. Thanks to everybody that purchased LED’s

I’m placing an order for some for me. I figured these are basically nonexistent in the US so I’d offer to order extra if anybody is interested. They will come out to $4.50 plus $3.75 shipping. If you are in the US and only want 1-2, I can ship for $1 but it will be with no tracking. With tracking, USPS shipping will be $3.75. If you are in Europe, shipping will be between $7-10 depending on how many you order. I’m ordering S3 1C on 16mm for me, but I can get 3A as well. Both come on 16mm and 20mm Noctigons. I plan to place the order Monday. They will be shipping DHL so they should arrive to me in 5-10 days and I will ship out to you. I will require payment up front so I don’t get stuck with a bunch of LED’s I don’t need. Please post what you want and how many and I will PM you.

If you are ordering extra aluminum pills for the UF-1504, I will ship them together.

Good one! 1b is EXELLENT for dedoming! Great! I am interested in 5-10 pcs but pls, point out whats the shipping charge to me
10x again for your 1504 efforts



We still dont know whats the 1504 brass pill
WIll it fit 16 or 20mm pcbs?

1B??? Where did you get that? I have 1C and 3A

The 1504 takes 16mm pcb’s and 17mm drivers

Sorry, i mislooked prolly….maybe its from the age you know :slight_smile:

1c…well, i think its even better!

3a wont be good for dedoming ( at least for me), even 2a isnt that dedoming frendly( at least XML2 U3 2A from IOS)

For those who are sensitive to the green spectrum in these LED’s, I think a de-domed 1C would be a nightmare! Or, at least I’ve read that the tint shifts more toward green when de-domed, and the 1C is already well into the green spectrum. I have no experience with this, just going by what others have said.

hey cool I sent you a pm would like to get a couple of each.


I don’t believe the XP-G2’s shift tint as bad as the XM-L2’s but I may be wrong. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many color tints for the S3 BIN.

I dedomed like 8 XPL V6 2C from IOS, and they dont have absolutely no greenish tint, on the cotrary- a bit yellowish one but bareable
Yes, i know thats not 1c but 2c
And i have never dedomed XPG2 1C so i dont actualy have an idea how it will look- just guessing

S2 2B from FT also has too yellowish tint for my taste unfortunately :frowning:

Whats the Y and X data for CIE 1931 on those V6 2C dedomed when measured without a reflector?

Would you be interested in building an XP-G2 + 1504 Pill + Driver and selling it as a complete unit?

I have an XP-G2 S3 1C but instead of the regular gas dedome I used a very sharp shaving razor blade (Gillette) and a plastic guide to shave the dome flat to less than 1 mm from the die surface, it did not tint shift or lost any of its brightness and the beam is more concentrated, that is just another option if you do not want to loose brightness or change the tint by the gas dedome… :slight_smile:

Alex, thats an interesting option, did you do any kcd measurements?
And do you think you lost any throw by not removing the dome completely.

I may be. PM me and I will get back to you about it.

Cajampa, I do not have light measuring equipment, but I do have another XP-G2 S3 1C stock to compare it before and after using the exact same battery and I can say that the tint or brightness has not changed as far as I can detect using my eyes, I have used gas dedome and this razor dedome method and in my best estimate it is at least 90% of the gas dedome or better but without the color shift and loss of brightness.

Sounds good :slight_smile: i guess i will have to try it next time, and if i don’t like it, a quick dunk in a solvent to remove the rest of the gel dome is always an option.
I usually slice of the dome before i use gas or thinner anyway.

Next time you pick up some razor blades test the Feather Hi-Stainless Platinum, they are easily the sharpest i have found yet :wink:

Pmed about the XPG2 details

Today i left for too log( actualy forgot) 3 XML2s in acetone , now they wont go past 3.6amps( u2 1a, all of them, on noctigon PCB)….wierd :smiley:

Anybody else? I’m ordering in the next 6-8 hours

Count me in for 1 x 1A on a 16mm Noctigon shipping in the US.

Sale Closed

I just ordered 50 various size/tint XP-G2 S3’s on Noctigons and 30 extra Noctigons. I will post in here when they ship and arrive at my house. I will PM you when your order ships. Thanks to everybody that purchased LED’s. Hopefully you will enjoy them.

Crap, I’m too late…
If someone happens to back-out from buying an XP-G2 with 16mm Noctigon, I’m interested in buying.