SFN55.2, SFQ55, SFN60, SFQ60, SFS80 and SFH55 LED info

Yes, I absolutely love Convoy, I’m trying my best not to impulsively buy every combinations from Convoy :person_facepalming:
Talking about SBT90.2, I am hoping Simon may consider using his latest 25A driver from L8 to develop new version of either 4X18A or 3x21A.
Probably I should suggest it in his thread, he mention he will work on the 7 xhp70.2 after Chinese new year which is super exciting one for me, but it probably means he won’t have any spare time to work other developments.

Molicell P42A. It is rated at 45A vs 35A for Samsung. Nice looking Nightwatch, but to deal with Neal doesn’t worth at all.

How many seconds will that actually run before it ramps down to 500 lumens though. That is one small light for that much output and power draw, don’t really see the point.

It may not last more than ~10-15 seconds before stepping down to 500 lumens, but that kind of output in a light that size will keep me giggling for FAR longer than that!

I think you're right, I think the point is that there IS no point. It just looks hilariously useless and that's exactly why I really want one. Nightwatch are animals.

Any guess as to how far it might throw? 450m? 500m?

Fair enough, it is a giggle inducing amount of light from a tiny package. My completely random, unfounded guess is 350m.

That actually sounds like a more reasonable guess than mine, given it’s a triple. The XHP50.2 in the Lumintop FW21 Pro throws about 300m. This seems like an extremely similar form factor to that light. Given the SFN55.2 is “somewhere between an SBT90.2 and an XHP70.2” this should be more than that. I’m hoping closer to 400m. We shall see I guess.

Some napkin math told me your estimates are close. Taking 15500lm, assuming 15% losses OTF, stating 57mm² of emitter area (craziness), and assuming some frontal areas for the reflector, I’m getting mid 30s kcd. So 350-400 is a good guess.

Awesome! Thanks for the napkin math JaredM!

That’s still pretty good for a floody triple. It just sounds crazy. These new LEDs are wild, even though it seems they won’t be de-throne-ing/replacing SBT-90.2 or XHP70.2, they’re still pretty cool, and being 3v, you can do silly stuff like put them in a small triple, that you couldn’t do as easily/cheaply with an XHP70.2.

I found a video of what I think is the same light. In the video it’s called the NS73FE, but on neals page it’s called the NS73V1, but they look like the same light. The video is from September, so maybe things have changed since then. Hopefully it still has that cool light up blue reverse clicky switch.

It looks pretty nuts, extremely floody as expected: Nightwatch NS73FE(x3), sfn55.2, 6000k, 15000lm, 21700 battery - YouTube

Where can I buy the SFS80 LED in 4000K? Kaidomian only have the 6500K now. I have one of the 4000K versions in my Convoy L21B and man it’s so good

I have the 4000K in the Convoy L21B with the 8A buck driver and I’ve hit Turbo 7 times since I’ve installed it and no issues so far. Any chance it was a bad reflow?

After reading through this thread I’ve dropped the current to 5.5A for SFS80, but wish we knew what these could officially take safely. Can’t find the 4000K version anymore :frowning:

Just noticed the 4000k disappeared from KD, bummer. Wondering why this LED is soon to be discontinued, thought it was new.

Funtastic, where did you buy your Convoy L21B with SFS80? Simon’s shop is offline for the holiday but checking around I only see SFT40 etc.

How’s the tint on the 4000k?

I don’t know if the reflows were good or bad. All I can say is that those are only emitters I have ever fried without doing some stupid experiments. They are hard to reflow, because they seem to be very sensitive to any impurities in light emitting area. Of many reflows I’ve done, I have had four failures with these 4000K versions. But they make a nice beam. Rosy.

Anyone know this Chinese led NB90.16? Seems capable of crazy things ...


Could be an SFH55.

Hi guys. If someone know from where we can source that SFN55.2 led. It seems interesting replacement of XHP70.2 at 3V. Anyone to have measuremets of CCT of that LED?

This is just 1 sample data. Mateminco MT70-Mini with SFN55.2 LED, set to ramp ceiling (Anduril), placed a few feet distant from Opple Light Master Pro (I understand this is not meant to be a ‘professional-level’ device), the CCT reads around 7000k, more or less. (I don’t know how accurate is the Opple Light Master Pro I got, but tested several SST20-4000k LED from various flashlights and the reading is around 3900-4000k, so it seems to be a fairly correct result)

I just ordered 2 SFH55’s from Pioneman store.

He was willing to sell them when I asked from him, but there definitely was a language barrier so it’s better to keep questions simple.

Amutorch started a thread on that here