SFT40 CCT longer distance but general purpose light

I just became a happy owner of the Sofirn IF19 so I’m pretty green, but read enough to ask these questions. Please be gentle:

It uses SST40 6000K emitter that everybody seems to love to hate with passion. I compared it with other low CRI emitters I have Cree XP G2 S3 and Osram P8 and it doesn’t score that bad whiteness wise (in comparison). And given that I wanted pocketable longer range flashlight that still has some spread it seems fine. I’m not sure if I like its CCT though.

There are throwy lights that use SFT40 that everybody seems to love (at the moment), but most lights I looked at also use 6000K? versions of it, and many are all about the narrowest of beams I gather.

My question is: is there a light that is pocket friendly (in both meanings of it) that is similar in functionality and size to the IF19 (longer range, but within reason) that would produce warmer beam (I was thinking SFT40 5000K, but I don’t really know) and could still serve as a general purpose light?

I also have high hopes for Wurkkos FC11C 5000K with 18350 tube (size, CCT, CRI, regulation) but it may not be a thrower enough (or maybe with tighter beam optics it could, but I don’t even know where to start)?

Hi! The main reason why people flame the SST40 and LEDs like it is not tint, but tint-shift. Domed LEDs perform terribly in many optics, getting a more blue beam in the center and yellow/greenish spill. This is especially pronounced in reflector lights, TIR lights suffer less from this, so the IF19 has a pretty decent beam despite being SST40.

Low vs high CRI is a whole different thing. Some people value high CRI heavily, others not so much, others only for some lights. I personally couldn’t care less for a thrower, but for floody indoor lights it is important for me that it is high CRI. R90 comes at a heavy penalty in LED efficiency compared to R70 though, usually 15-30% less brightness as far as I know (in the same LED).

Color temperature is another thing that mainly comes down to preference. Again, warmer LEDs are less efficient. The sweet spot is usually around 5000-6000K, everything lower is less efficient too.

If you want a small (I guess 18350?) thrower with reasonable dimensions, the list of choices next to Sofirn IF19 is slim.

Wurkkos TS11 looks fun, same size and SFT40, but again only available in 6000K. Maybe too similar to be worth buying.


Less bright, but maybe interesting too is the Wurkkos TS12 with 14500. Longer but slimmer. Different LED (less green in new batches according to Wurkkos):


Convoy M1 with a 18350 tube is a bit longer I think, but about 5mm thinner (at the head). You can freely configure it with a ton of different LEDs. M21B with SFT40 throws a bit more than IF19 with SST40, and M1 and M21B use the same reflector as far as I am aware. So should be a bit more throwy. Random internet pic:


Convoy C8+ (with 18350 tube) is 5mm thicker (at the head) but should be more throwy than M1, but in return is rather chonky. Same great selection of various emitters. Random internet pic:

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What do you mean by “general purpose” but also long distance? Sounds a little contradictory. If you want a beam with some throw as well as spill then I think an SFT40 is a good choice. Similar, but a little less throwy/more spill would be an XHP50.3 Hi.

I think the Convoy M1 is a great choice. Also look at Emisar D1 and KR1. All three are similar diameters. I think the C8+ is great, but it’s too throwy for “general purpose” IMO.

I can take a pic of those three plus the IF19 all together if that helps.

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If it’s not much trouble it would be fantastic. Thank you!

It may be just my impression, but it looks like there are several lights with the SFT40 6000K but not many (I couldn’t find any) with the 5000K version of it. Why is that?

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6000K LED has been on the market for a long time, 5000K is pretty new.

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Convoy has lights with SFT40 3000K, 5000K, and 6000K. :+1:

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Personally, I’m into the SFT70 now, which is available in 5000K and 6000K (from Convoy.)
It’s a bit brighter than the SFT40, it’s more efficient, and it’s floodier, but it sacrifices throw.
I don’t usually need the amount of throw that the SFT40 provides, but I like the SFT70 with a larger (about 45mm diameter) reflector. :slightly_smiling_face:

Are 5000K and 6000K versions similarly low CRI and the 3000K one a higher CRI one? But is it a deliberately different design or just naturally more red in the lower CCT one?

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I think that they’re all 70 CRI.
I’m guessing that the SFT40 and SFT70 don’t come in higher CRI, but I could be wrong. :thinking:

3000K and 4000K are both 90 or 95 CRI (I forgot), 6000K and 5000K are 70.

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5000K is still lower CRI but it looks much nicer than the 6000K / 6500K, and that’s coming from someone who’s not a huge fan of warmer lights.

The Sofirn IF24 Pro has a 5000K SFT40, the beam is really nice in terms of size of hotspot and spill. It is a bit ringy if you’re shining it at a wall and looking at the pattern but for actual use it doesn’t bother me at all.

The Convoy S6 has excellent throw and spill with an SFT40 and is also available with the 5000K emitter. Again, decent sized hotspot for general use and good spill. The S2+ is very similar but doesn’t throw quite as far as the reflector’s not as deep. Both are available with an 18350 tube if you want really small.

How much throw do you actually need? My S6 and IF24 Pro will both light up the trees 150m away.

I’m also looking at ordering a Noctigon DM11, but they’re not very pocket-friendly where the Convoy S6 / S2+ and IF24 can be pocket-carried in jeans.

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It’s weird that on Simon’s store, he doesn’t point out that the different tints have different CRI. :upside_down_face:

Would I need to buy some special 18350 tube to fit this light or are they universal? I’ve read something about different threads in Convoys.

Also, do I need to specify the short tube as an extra or specify it right away? I can’t find it on the ordering page.

You would need to add the 18350 tube as an extra, they’re here: 18350 battery tube - Convoy flashlight (convoylight.com)

I’m pretty sure it’s the one with rectangular threads you want, but I’m not at home at the moment so I can’t check. Simon would be able to confirm.

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Thanks. I imagine buck driver is the way to go?

Buck driver is more efficient, that’s what I got.

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The S6 uses the square threaded tube.

The W5050SQ3 is also a nice throwy emitter option for the S6 but it doesn’t come in 5000K like the SFT40.

The SFT40 in this post is the 6000K version:

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Emitters aside, what’s the main difference between S2 and S6?

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They both use the same accessories(Deep Reflectors, drivers, tail switches, Lens, Orings)

Other than appearance:

S2(Non +) = Older style trapezoidal threads
S6 = Newer style Square/rectangular threads

I should note, you can’t really use the Black Universal clip on pocket clip with the S6 with the 18350 tube. See pic below.
So you’d need the SS screw on one or source your own clip.

There’s about a 5mm groove(*unless you plan to carry it bezel up), once the 18350 tube is installed(Correctly):

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